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Cuomo gives a thumbs up after announcing his candidacy for governor of the state of New York, outside the Tweed Courthouse, in New York
New York Democrats finally got their man. On Saturday, NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that he is indeed a candidate for Governor of New York.

Cuomo, who is the son of popular former NY Gov. Mario Cuomo, was widely expected to become a candidate following the tumultuous tenure in the Governor’s mansion by David Paterson.  You may remember that Paterson first came into office after scandal forced then Gov. Eliot Spitzer out of office.  Paterson enjoyed a brief honeymoon, but was soon burdened with scandals of his own, including admitted marital infidelities and his alleged interference and cover-up of domestic violence charges by the head of his personal security team.  The White House attempted but failed to coerce Paterson into stepping aside amidst his scandals in fear that Democrats could lose in the fall. But as the pressures mounted, Paterson decided not to resign, but instead made a surprise reversal to simply not seek election for the office in his own right.

The NY State Democratic Party, led by Chairman Jay Jacobs is simply ecstatic over Cuomo’s candidacy, with some inside the Democratic Party already believing Cuomo could be a viable presidential candidate someday. “His positions and his views are ones that every Democrat will endorse,” said Jacobs. “You add that to $15 million in the bank and his 60% job approval rating and I would say you have the recipe for a strong candidate.”

A recent Siena poll has discovered that Cuomo holds a 66% favorable rating and would trounce likely GOP contender candidate Rick Lazio, 63% to 26%.  “He’s certainly the person that many of us hope and believe can not only be a strong top-of-the-ticket leader but can also bring the wavering Democrats home,” said Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (D-Buffalo).



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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