Comments on: IT’S OVER! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:49:14 +0000 <span>In a somewhat related story…… </span><span></span><span>NY Daily News: "Newt Gingrich $500 check to appear on ballot for primary in Utah bounces"   A bounced check may keep cash-strapped presidential candidate <span>Newt Gingrich</span> out of Utah’s upcoming primary. </span><span></span><span>A $500 check his team submitted to pay for the filing fee there failed to clear, according to <span>The Salt Lake Tribune.</span>    If the former House Speaker — who recently acknowledged that his campaign is approximately $4.5 million in debt — can't pay the fee by April 20, he won't appear on the ballot for the June 16 contest. […]</span><span></span><span>Read:…</span><span></span><span> Honestly, ONLY in today's Republican Party could a Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Caine, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul OR even a Mitt Romney be taken *seriously* as a VP candidate, let alone a Presidential candidate.</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 11 Apr 2012 14:08:37 +0000 More right-wing reax……W. James Antle III: "Getting It Right Next Time"How conservatives can overcome their losing record in Republican presidential primaries.What happened yesterday in Pennsylvania wasn't just the end of Rick Santorum's presidential campaign. It was the conclusion of a year-long battle between the Republican establishment and disaffected conservatives, which culminated in the collective failure of the candidates to the right of Mitt Romney to deny him the nomination.It's a familiar ending. Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and John McCain all beat back conservative insurgents to win the Republican nomination. Only the elder Bush went on to win the White House, and then only once. Had New Hampshire independents not swooned for McCain in 2000, George W. Bush would have found himself quelling a conservative insurrection led by Steve Forbes. The story is as old as Tom Dewey and Dwight Eisenhower defeating Robert Taft.Movement conservatives have captured the Republican nomination during a competitive primary process only twice: Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Ronald Reagan in 1980. After Reagan won two terms as president — by landslide margins both times — many assumed the conservative takeover of the GOP was complete.These assumptions proved ill founded. […]Read:

By: Truthiz Wed, 11 Apr 2012 13:43:19 +0000 Limbaugh reax….What was always striking to me about this Republican primary is that the establishment set out from the get-go to shore up the moderates first, to win this nomination with moderate Republican votes, not conservative Republican votes. Do not doubt me when I tell you, the Republican establishment is not happy. We've talked about this I don't know how many times before, how many years, the Republican establishment is embarrassed of many conservatives, both conservative media people, conservative voters, they're embarrassed of them. I'm talking about the New York, Washington corridor Republican establishment types.  Just embarrassed of them. It was remarkable.  They had their candidate, which was Romney, and then all the others which were conservatives.  We ended up splitting the conservative primary vote. […](On that issue, Limbaugh is right. However, he predictably couldn't resist his impluse to follow-up with a LIE.  Limbaugh:To many people this was extremely frustrating for — well, a host of reasons, but if you go back and look at what happened in the 2010 midterms, that was a landslide victory. And it wasn't centered around a candidate.  It was centered around an idea. And the idea was that conservatism and limited government and individual liberty and freedom were what make this country great and what will save this country.  […]Read:… Um…Noooo. Based on ample evidence, Rush certainly knows BY NOW that the so-called "conservative tea-party" landslide in 2010 was, IN FACT, mostly due to the Dems and Democrat-leaning Independents opting to STAY HOME in protest of Pres. Obama, who they felt at the time had let them down. Suffice it to say that Rush (and GOP establishment) already know that THAT won't be happening again come this November.

By: Truthiz Wed, 11 Apr 2012 13:07:13 +0000 <span><span>A few right-wing reax….</span>  <span></span> <span>Free Republic Commenter: </span>  <span>Conservatives have a chance to block Obama, if not replace him. We CAN do that, but conservatives can not win by voting third-party – it's a throw-away vote that nets nothing. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span><span>The current GOP-E is NOT the friend of FREEDOM – but they are a very tiny group of RINO's that we can beat the snot out of – simply by doing what we can at the local district and state level. We – FReepers, and other dedicated conservatives – can and have ultimately fielded who becomes part of the GOP establishment. We need to OWN it like we did in the Reagan era, not destroy it through lack of attention to our God given orders to be 'watchmen on the wall' of who become our leaders. […]       Free Republic Commenter:    While I appreciate your well thought out missive … it is this for me. I utterly refuse to vote the enemy into our camp. That, of course, is Romney. I’ve said it many times here, but it is better to have Obama to fight against, than to have Romney and his ilk take over the GOP and eliminate us. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>While </span><span>I won’t vote for Obama under threat of death, it is better to have him in the WH than Romney. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>If </span><span>Romney is elected, Conservatism dies. If (as will probably happened) Romney loses in a landslide, the idiot “wisdom” of the GOP elite will be exposed and we can build a Conservative GOP. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>This is MUCH more than the 2012 elections. I will not help the GOP in this one. I will vote 3rd or, more likely, sit this one out now that Santorum has pulled out. […] </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Read:…</span></span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 11 Apr 2012 11:25:23 +0000 My guess is whatever *lead* Santorum may have had early on in Pennsylvania (my home state) his own recent internal polling was showing that *lead* evaporating quickly setting the stage for a embarrassing loss to Romney on April 24th.I did a quick drive-by the right-wing blogosphere…so-called "real conservatives" a few minutes ago. The general consensus appears to be depressed and angry but resigned to Romney being the GOP nominee. Will the majority of Sanotum's supporters (mostly southern evangelicals) get behind Mitt?We shall see.
