Comments on: IT’S RICK! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:10:21 +0000 That some Repubs are actually admitting THIS out loud tells you just what a hot mess it really is!WashingtonTimes: "GOP’s 2012 primary plan creates a colossal mess"After the exhilarating 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, the Grand Old Party decided it wanted a bit of that next time around.No more of this establishment-candidate-secures-nomination-by-March stuff, the Republicans wanted four all-out quarters from its boys (and girls), with twists and turns, upstarts and up-and-comers, surprises every Tuesday or Saturday, the candidates grinding it out through April, May and into the hard hot summer. And for God’s sake, let’s get some new faces in there while we’re at it.There’s just one thing they forgot: dynamic candidates.             ……………………Another massive miscalculation by the Republicans was the emergence of the super PAC. In past nomination battles, candidates have dropped out almost immediately after they lose a few primaries or caucuses in a row for one simple reason. Money. Nobody wants to back a loser, so the money would dry up fast. That’s why last time around, the candidate who won Iowa, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, dropped out March 4 after it became clear he couldn’t keep pace with Mr. McCain.  [….]Read:…H/T: Hotair

By: Truthiz Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:06:56 +0000 And once again there was a record LOW Repub voter turnout.Repub talking-heads keep insisting that as soon as their nominee (Romney) is officially chosen the conservative "base" will automatically "coalesce" around him and turnout to vote for him because they're "united" in wanting to defeat Pres. Obama.I think those Repubs are blowing smoke….either that or they're *playing* themselves.Nobody…and I do mean NOBODY…is excited about Mitt and EVERYBODY knows it. The "base" can't stand the man. Their disdain for him equals almost that of their disdain for the President.Will the "base" turnout to vote for Mitt in November? Yes. But I don't think it's going to be in large numbers. And they sure aren't going to do much_if any_ground work for him.
