Comments on: IT’S ROMNEY-RYAN News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 14 Aug 2012 19:01:39 +0000 HAH. Interesting.Politico: "GOP pros fret over Paul Ryan" You’ve heard them on television and read them on POLITICO — cheerful, defiant statements from Republican political professionals about <span>Mitt Romney's</span> bold masterstroke in tapping <span>Paul Ryan</span> as his running mate, and turning the <span>2012</span> presidential race into a serious, far-reaching debate about budgets and the nation’s future. Don’t buy it.Away from the cameras, and with all the usual assurances that people aren’t being quoted by name, there is an unmistakable consensus among Republican operatives in Washington: Romney has taken a risk with Ryan that has only a modest chance of going right — and a huge chance of going horribly wrong. […] Read:… Politico: "Bill Kristol 'buoyed' by GOP fears"I’m reassured — indeed, encouraged — indeed, buoyed! — by this morning's Politico article, "GOP pros fret over Paul Ryan." "GOP pros" are the stupidest part of "the stupid party." For one thing, they're not very professional — why are they using the press to take shots at the Ryan pick in the first place? For another, they're cowardly — “nearly all the Republican professionals interviewed for this story said they would share their unfiltered views only 'on background' rules of attribution." Most of all, they're a terrific contrarian indicator. [….] Read:

By: Truthiz Tue, 14 Aug 2012 13:05:27 +0000 It pays to be INFORMED.Politico: "Paul Ryan’s voting record: Big-spending conservatism" Paul Ryan rose to the top of the political ranks on his reputation as a conservative budget hawk. But his voting record shows him to be far from a pure fiscal conservative. Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities when George W. Bush was president — going to bat for a high-spending GOP agenda that the tea party base now looks on with regret. Obviously, those votes certainly don’t make me happy,” said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the Tea Party Express, one of the country’s most influential tea party organizations — though she was quick to say she was pleased with Ryan’s selection as Mitt Romney’s running mate. “I think that he’s somebody who’ll stand up and accept responsibility for previous actions,” she said. “More importantly than that, he knows that we’re in serious financial trouble, and he has a grasp on the big picture all the way down to the little details. […]Read:…Yes Nothing says "he's the right guy for the job" like backing ONE of the chief arsonists (who helped IGNITE the fire in the first place) to put out the fire..smh. Right-wing "conservative" thinking = Dangerously Pathetic.

By: Truthiz Tue, 14 Aug 2012 12:00:29 +0000 An interesting response to the cheering of right-wing economic hacks, like Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who hail Ryan as a "fabulous" VP pick.Frum Forum Commenter:  DH-E  and Ryan are cut from the same cloth. They love to say lots of budgety things that sound wonky and informed, but the fact is that their visions never work mathematically. Ryan is 0 for 3 on plans that are remotely workable.  His last plan doesn't fall apart as badly under scrutiny as the last two for one simple reason; he refuses to say what he'll cut to pay for his massive tax breaks. Anybody who pays attention knows that budget games come with the turf with politicians, but this is a massive "and then a miracle happens" step in his so called "plan".  Add in the fact that other than bare bones social programs, his budget requires the cutting of almost all discretionary spending by 2050 to less than 4% GDP.  Since Romney wants defense to get 4% of GDP (and we haven't been under 3% GDP for many years), that leaves virtually NOTHING to run all of the rest of government. That means no more interstates, no Vets administration, no foreign aid (including to Israel), no education, no budget for keeping gov't buildings open, no national parks, no SEC, EPA, OSHA, or any other regulatory agencies, etc.  Ryan's vision of government is one where all it provides is defense and a very few other little functions and nothing more.  The problem is that even the majority of Republicans don't agree with his vision.  But Ryan is a snake and he very carefully ensures he doesn't actually utter that vision out loud.  It's up to the Dems to show his budget for what it is; a complete and total reversal of government's role in society to the pre-WW I era. […]Read full comment: "Revenge of the Budget Nerds"…Except for calling Ryan a "snake" and saying that under Ryan's budget plan financial aid would also cease for Israel (HAH. Yeah. riiight.), I think the commenter summed it up beautifully!   

By: Truthiz Mon, 13 Aug 2012 17:07:13 +0000 By George..errr..I mean by Mitt, Billy has done it again. NeoCONS and Zionists, REJOICE!"Once again, Bill Kristol gets his way"Once again, Bill Kristol gets his way — and once again, watch out.For two consecutive presidential cycles now, the founding editor of the Weekly Standard has successfully led the conservative media drumbeat for a bold vice presidential pick: In 2008, he fervently supported and promoted Sarah Palin for months before the country even knew her name. In 2012, he urged Mitt Romney to “go for the gold” with Paul Ryan.For a generation, stretching back to the 1980s, Kristol has used his influence to goad Republicans to be bolder and more ambitious—and riskier, for themselves, the Republican Party, and the nation—in their decisions. This extends beyond political calculation to policy. In 2003, Kristol was at the forefront of the lobbying effort for the Iraq war, which —however history judges it—cost far more in blood and treasure than he and his fellow neoconservatives had anticipated. […]Read:…The words.."They NEVER learn."..comes to mind..smh.

By: Truthiz Mon, 13 Aug 2012 13:42:52 +0000 <span>"But if Ryan is the Republican favorite, then what is Romney?"   Well you said it DJ…"IN TROUBLE". </span><span></span><span>Yes indeed. There's a lot for supporters of the President's re-election to LOVE about this very "DESPERATE" move by Mitt beginning with these little goodies:   Ryan's joke of a budget-plan clearly shows that he is NO "fiscal-conservative" wonk. He's a "Voodoo/"trickle-down" economics WANNABE-wonk; a devout believer in Ayn Rand's ecnomics foolishness. And his views on social-cultural issues are equal to, or even more extreme than, Michele Bachmann's views. </span><span></span><span>But the President and the Dems MUST NOT think this race has now become a cakewalk. IT.HASN'T. </span><span></span><span>The Dems have got to be smart about making their case. Stay away from personal attacks.   The President is an intellgent, thoughtful and very classy man. Personal attacks ain't his thing. He knows the Dems must stick to attacking GOP policies. CLEARLY point out the differences in vision (via policies), for the future of this country.   </span><span></span><span>Mitt has chosen Ryan for his VP. Now hang Ryan's right-wing "conservative" ideology around Mitt's political neck. Then let the voters decide.</span>
