Comments on: IT’S ROMNEY! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 18:10:21 +0000 Hotair: "The GOP presidential campaigns are running out of money"Mitt Romney raised $11.5 million in February but spent $12.4 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday. He began March with $7.3 million in cash, slightly less than in January.Rick Santorum raised more than $9 million in his best month yet, but spent $7.9 million; he ended with $2.6 million in cash, along with close to $1 million in debts, mostly associated with television and Internet advertising.Newt Gingrich raised $2.6 million, spent $2.9 million and had about $1.5 million in the bank, barely enough to keep his campaign going. […]Read:…Commenter:"They’re running out of gas, too. Anyone else notice how exhausted these guys are looking of late?"Commenter:"It’s time for Santorum and Newt to bow out graciously and let Mitt build up something of a war chest. Right now, by staying in the campaign, Newt and Santorum are basically just helping Obama."Commenter:"I’m not giving any of them money. They all stink. Worst. Candidates. Ever. Worse than the last cycle, and I didn’t think that was possible. The RNC called me last night and I told them to stuff it too."

By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:17:38 +0000 <span><span>It appears the GOP establishment is finally admitting 2 things:       1. There ain't a whole lotta "Love" ANYWHERE for their chosen nominee, Mitt Romney.       Politico: "Not a Hill of a lot of love for Mitt Romney" </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Mitt Romney’s campaign called on the Washington establishment for help this month. The response: a promise of cash, but not much enthusiasm. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>On Thursday morning, Romney’s biggest supporters on Capitol Hill are supposed to come out with their best donors to help the GOP front-runner deepen his cash base. But the RSVP list is looking thin. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Even though the fundraiser is expected to raise $400,000, the figure organizers say is the goal, only 27 of the nearly 80 lawmakers that endorsed Romney had signed on to raise money just two weeks ahead of the event, according a document obtained by POLITICO. […] </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Read:…</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>A</span></span><span><span>nd…..</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>2. Given what a dreadful presidential candidate their Mr. "inevitable" has proven to be, they're quite DESPERATE to wrap this thing up ASAP …so time for those UNcommitted Repub, so-called "A-Class" endorsers to step up to help end this thing.</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>HuffPost: "Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney For President" </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>As per ABC News "Bush joins his father, former President George H.W. Bush, in backing Romney." </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Read:…</span></span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:32:59 +0000 <span>..more right-wing reax to Mitt's "Big Win Low Turnout" in Illinois….   Quotes for the Day    "If you still hate Mitt, just shut up about it, because saving the country is more important right now than anything else, including your ego! I can subordinate my ego to the survival of America. Can you? We need you to help us."</span><span></span><span>(in reponse): "Are we at least allowed to worry about everybody down ballot Mitt will cause to lose?"                                                                              ~RedState Commenters   "Romney LOST the overwhelming majority of Illinois counties but won by doing better in the cities and larger counties. Mitt won Chicago. Is there one person on this planet who thinks Romney will win Chicago against Obama. It’s the same way he won Ohio – by getting a big vote out of Lake county which is basically Cleveland. How will Cleveland vote in November? Yeah, I thought so."                                                                                  ~ RedState Commneter   "Anyone here want to make ANY predictions on what the GOP-E "Convention" will look like?…"   (in response): "A coronation of Romney. Nothing more. And Mitt had better enjoy the “victory.” It’ll be the last of his political career."                                                                                  ~Free Republic Commenters</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:36:42 +0000 Red State reax to Mitt's primary win last night……"The Nominee: He Beat the Base. Now Will the Base be With Him?"It is a mathematical improbability that Rick Santorum will get to the magic number of 1,144 — the number of delegates needed to be the Republican Presidential nominee. It is a political improbability that Rick Santorum will stop Mitt Romney from getting to 1,144.Last night in Illinois, Mitt Romney won his first victory without caveats.In Illinois, Romney won. Period. The Santorum campaign stumbled badly in Puerto Rico, gave up a lead in Illinois, and the candidate proved horribly undisciplined. Like Dug the dog in Up getting distracted by every random squirrel, Rick Santorum loses all ability to focus when social issues come up. His lack of discipline and message focus steering those issues to families as he did so beautifully in the Mesa, AZ debate has hindered him and solidified a media narrative that he is more concerned with those issues than jobs and the economy. On the other hand, Mitt Romney’s win in Illinois still highlights his struggles. Blue collar voters are not fond of him. Staunchly conservative voters are not either. Evangelical voters also are not fond of him. The voters do not feel quite comfortable with their pick. But though evangelicals and social conservatives are the base of the base of the Republican Party, they are not enough to stop Mitt Romney and a spending advantage some have estimated topped 20 to 1 against Santorum in Illinois.This is not to say the race is over. Far from it. Rick Santorum will probably win Louisiana. Conservatives will rally to Santorum and continue protesting Romney as the nominee. But it will not be enough. Romney will do well in New England and the remaining mid-Atlantic states. He will do well out west, winning California.He will be the nominee.  […]Read:…Alrighty then. So um..let the enthusiam…begin?…lol

By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:53:57 +0000 <span>Lol. Honestly, this is truly a hot mess.   Voter turnout in Illinois yesterday was the "lowest" primary turnout in the past "70 YEARS"…smh.      So you've got Mit Romney, a "front-runner" who darn near NO ONE believes a word that comes out of his mouth (especially among his own party), on course to win the GOP presidential nomination breaking all kinds of records for ALL TIME LOWS (lack of voter enthusiasm, low -to-EXTREMELY low voter turnout, carpet-bombing opponnents) and he's the BEST the Repubs have to offer this year!?!   As I stated in a previous post. This fitting fiasco has been about 50 yrs in the making for the GOP and now all they're left with is the "Tallest midget" among midgets to challenge the President…smh. </span><span></span><span>CBS News Chicago: " Voter Turnout Extremely Low For Illinois Primary"    Turnout for Tuesday’s Illinois primary in Chicago was a meager 24 percent, officials said.   It was the lowest turnout for a presidential primary in the past 70 years. […]   Read:…</span><span> Chicago Sun Times: "Voter turnout ‘extremely low’ for Illinois primary: election official" </span><span></span><span>Today’s sunny weather was not enough to drive people to their polling places this afternoon.  Throughout the city, voter turnout for the primary election has been “extremely low,” said Jim Allen, a spokesman for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.   Allen said bell weather precincts, which are usually in line with the average turnout in the city, saw a 15 percent voter turnout as of 1 p.m.   Allen attributes the lack of enthusiasm to an absence of contested races that throw the spotlight on contentious issues.   […]   Read:…</span>
