One Republican senator has decided enough is enough!
Olympia Snowe of Maine has decided she will not seek reelection to the U.S. Senate — not because she fears she will lose, but because she fears she will win.
Snowe, who has traditionally been a moderate Republican, announced she’d rather trade in her 17 year senate career than continue in the venomous, partisan, back-stabbing atmosphere in the halls of congress. Ouch!
Snowe’s surprise decision has literally rocked the GOP. Not only did her words point a finger directly at her Republican “Party of No” colleagues, but her once safe Republican seat is now almost certain to change hands in the more liberal state of Maine. This is awful news for Republicans, who see their chances of controlling the White House and the Senate getting worse by the day.
Olympia Snowe has spent her senate career frequently crossing party lines and seeking reconciliation. But even her patience has run thin.
“For change to occur, our leaders must understand that there is not only strength in compromise, courage in conciliation, and honor in consensus building—but also a political reward for following these tenets,” Snowe said. “That reward will be real only if the people demonstrate their desire for politicians to come together after the planks in their respective party platforms do not prevail.”
“I certainly don’t have all the answers, and reversing the corrosive trend of winner-take-all politics will take time. But as I enter a new chapter in my life, I see a critical need to engender public support for the political center, for our democracy to flourish and to find solutions that unite rather than divide us.”
As I posted last week, I'm not a big fan of Sen. Snowe with respect to SOME of her politics. But I have a great deal of respect for her as an intelligent and classy lady…not to mention being a civil (and I do mean CIVIL) servant of the people she's represented for 17 yrs.In short, she MILES above_and beyond_her Repub MALE and (in regarding the likes of Michelle Bachmann) FEMALE counterparts.Understandably, a woman of Snowe's class and calibre has concluded that she can no longer stomach the ongoing reprehensible and destructive actions of her own party. I wish her success with whatever goals she plans to pursue.
Sullivan has a great post on Scarborough's utter dismay with the pathetic state of his party.I decided to share it in this forum rather than in the "Slut" forum because it speaks to the FAILURE of the entire GOP and it dovetails perfectly with the similar level of frustration expressed by Sen. Snowe.Scarborough:"It was so obvious what they were gonna do! They just weren't smart enough to pull back when they should've pulled back, and now the president is killing them in the polls." "This has been going on for a month," he continued. "I swear, what is wrong with these people?" […]Sullivan: "Scarborough Retreats" http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/03/s…Btw: I caught about 15 minutes of Scarborough this morning when he made the comments. The man was so visibly and audibly frustrated he actually yelled "It was so obvious WHAT THEY WERE GONNA DO!"