
Jada Pinkett Smith ‘Tell-All’ Is Too Much For Some

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How much information is too much information? The public is weighing in via social media following a tell-all interview this week from Jada Pinkett Smith.

Entertainment :
The wife of actor Will Smith has spent years telling the public very intimate details about her marriage to the Oscar-winning, former star of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. However, after a Today Show interview on Wednesday where she revealed that the couple has been secretly separated for 7 years, the public collectively told Mrs. Smith they don’t want or need to know every detail about her marriage to Will.

Jada Pinkett Smith

“Dear Jada, SHHHHHH!” posted one viewer. “I’m so over The Smiths, especially her!” said another.

Has Jada been telling too much about her seemingly failed marriage? Check out a snippet of her interview below and tell us what you think in the comments.


OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
Is the Jada Pinkett Smith interview TMI?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I think Jada really needs to go take a seat somewhere and just hush. She’s so thirsty for attention, and so full of herself that she just can’t help herself..smh!

  2. She really does talk too much about personal stuff. People are tired of hearing about her and Will.

  3. Frankly when I first heard about this latest nonsense I thought to myself- Sometimes in life it’s better to be rejected because you may actually be dodging a bullet. Jada didn’t want Will. She rejected his advances for awhile but he loves her so much he simply refused to just walk away.

    Well, she finally gave in and, imo, it was the worse thing to happen to him. Maybe he doesn’t deserve better than Jada(?) But I just can’t imagine he envisioned his marriage to her to end up being one long humiliating and very public story after another..smh!

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