James Comey Firing Set To Sink Trump

Politics –
James Comey Firing
Set To Sink Trump
Hey, everybody, calm down. Donald Trump and his minions have come forward to explain that the firing of James Comey has nothing to do with Russia. WHEW! Well that clears it all up, right? WRONG!
Despite his best efforts to mind-screw us all into believing “alternative facts” and his version of the truth, Donald Trump has walked into a minefield and this time, there’s no easy route out.
In the 112 days since he began occupying The White House, Trump has fired an acting attorney general, his national security adviser (who is under investigation for being an agent of Russia), dozens of federal prosecutors, including one who was investigating him, and, now, the director of the FBI, James Comey, who may have been getting too close to discovering the truth about collusion between Trump and the Kremlin. No matter what Trump says, all is not well. Yet, he continues his ill-advised attempts to convince the American public and the world that things couldn’t be better.

Reports out of The White House are that Donald Trump is seething mad at how the firing of Comey failed to go as he planned and how the court of public opinion is hanging him out to dry. He’s also angry that FOUR congressional committees are now investigating him and that members of his own party are beginning to break rank and turn away from him. In an attempt to fix perception, Trump resurrected the political corpse of Kellyanne Conway late Tuesday night, who remains, hands down, the undefeated spin champion of the world. It was Kellyanne who appeared out of the woodworks to spin the public into believing that the firing of James Comey had nothing to do with Russia and what everybody thought they were seeing, they weren’t really seeing.
“You want to question the timing of when he fires, when he hires — it’s inappropriate,” Conway shouted to CNN’s Chris Cuomo during a televised interview and attempt to change the subject. “He’ll do it when he wants to.”

Next up at bat was VP Mike Pence, who was trotted out on Wednesday to praise the firing of the now-former FBI director and to insist that the decision was by no means due to the ongoing probe into alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia.
“As has been stated repeatedly and the President has been told, he’s not under investigation,” Pence told reporters on Capitol Hill. He added: “There is no evidence of collusion between our campaign and any Russian officials.”
Yeah, right!
If you smell a rat, you’re not the only one.
Days before his surprise firing, James Comey asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in money and personnel for the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election. Comey requested the resources last week from Rod J. Rosenstein, who happens to be the deputy attorney general who wrote the Justice Department’s memo that was used to justify the firing of the former FBI director.
Reportedly, Comey recently briefed members of Congress about his meeting with Rosenstein, who remains the most senior law enforcement official supervising the Russia investigation, since Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself due to his own undisclosed meetings with the Russian ambassador.
The timing of Mr. Comey’s request for more money and personnel coupled with his firing soon thereafter is the scenario that is most troubling for Trump. Even IF he is hiding nothing and is not guilty of any of the collusion charges surrounding him, the perception is that Trump is meddling in a federal investigation that has the potential to damage his presidency. Like former President Richard M. Nixon and his actions during the Saturday Night Massacre, Trump’s actions are severe enough to potentially cause his Oval Office days to come crumbling down.
Let’s take a look at the facts.
IF Donald Trump is guilty of collusion with Russia and their interference in the 2016 US presidential election, it makes sense for him to be doing everything he’s doing right now: stalling, trying to sway public opinion that nothing ever happened, as well as firing anyone who could sink him and replacing them with those who will protect him.
However, IF Donald Trump is as innocent as he claims, he has completely bungled this investigation with his lack of cooperation, he has cost taxpayers millions by forcing federal authorities to conduct an unnecessary investigation that he could have squashed months ago, and he has undermined all of the federal agencies and judges he has deemed “fake” in the process.
To put it bluntly, it’s lose-lose for “The Donald.”
Sen. Blumenthal: Comey firing “may well produce impeachment proceedings” https://t.co/YZ32bCBsdMhttps://t.co/XctE9myqOY
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) May 11, 2017
The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed James Comey to appear next Tuesday to reveal all he knows. Unfortunately for Trump, Comey’s firing will not make him go away or silence him in front of authorities. Additionally, in a story that is getting little attention amidst the Comey firing, the Senate Intelligence Committee has also issued a subpoena to former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn regarding his interactions with Russian officials.
The subpoena comes as Senate investigators have aggressively ramped up their probe after months of groundwork, and just a few days after James Comey alerted senior members of the intelligence panel that the FBI was escalating its investigation.
Is this all a series of misunderstandings that have unfairly painted Donald Trump as a bad guy, or are 17 federal security agencies correct in their theory that Russia did, in fact, meddle in the US presidential election and that the Trump campaign was likely a willing partner?
Rest assured, we’re getting closer and closer to the truth!
Seriously. With so much frightening crap flowing (DAILY) from the dangerous fool playing president and his enabling sycophants …just WHERE does one begin?
Okay first. I want to echo Joe Scarborough this morning in giving a major SHOUT OUT! to those newspapers that are performing absolutely STELLAR investigative journalism and reporting these days, with the spotlight squarely on the Trump sham of a presidency and the Constitutional Crisis WE (as a nation) are now facing as a result of it, in addition to the National Security threat this sham of a presidency poses. The New York Times. The Washington Post. and The Wall Street Journal.
I also want to give a major SHOUT OUT! to the socio-political online sites that have earned my trust over the years in providing readers (like Me) with a lot of fact-based and detailed information. Beginning with THIS site – OK WASSUP! Politico. The American Conservative. Little Green Footballs. Slate.
Honorable mention: HuffPost. RedState (at times). Hotair (at times). National Review (at times). Talking Points Memeo, Think Progress and a few others.
WE (the American people) would NOT know what WE know without the consistent efforts of such journalistic professionals (print and online) who are committed to what they do. Speak TRUTH To Power.
In times like these, I cannot say Thank You enough.
You and your remarks what makes this country bad, people look at you as a fool, wake up u are so wrong
Yes. I know. The truth hurts..smh.
(thinking to myself). Poor fella.
Thank you, Truthiz1, for your kind remarks — and continued support. I'm honored to have OK WASSUP! named in such esteemed company!
– DJ
Okay so….another great post DJ. And i couldn't agree with you more. I believe we are indeed getting "closer and closer to the truth."
And if I may share a little more info (in case some readers aren't aware of this)………..
"Russia’s Oval Office Victory Dance"
When President Donald Trump hosted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office on Wednesday just hours after firing the FBI director who was overseeing an investigation into whether Trump’s team colluded the Russians, he was breaking with recent precedent at the specific request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The chummy White House visit—photos of the president yukking it up with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak were released by the Russian Foreign Ministry since NO U.S. press was allowed to cover the visit—had been one of Putin’s asks in his recent phone call with Trump, and indeed the White House acknowledged this to me later Wednesday. “He chose to receive him because Putin asked him to,” a White House spokesman said of Trump’s Lavrov meeting. “Putin did specifically ask on the call when they last talked.”
The meeting was Lavrov’s first in the White House since 2013—and came after several years of the Obama administration’s flat-out refusal to grant him an Oval Office audience, two former senior White House officials told me. “The Russians were begging us for years to do that,” one of the former officials said. “They were constantly pushing for it and we were constantly saying no.”
The images of Trump putting his arm genially on Lavrov’s back—and a later White House official readout of the meeting that said Trump “emphasized his desire to build a better relationship between the United States and Russia”—couldn’t have come at a more fraught political moment for Trump, amid a barrage of bipartisan criticism of his firing of FBI Director James Comey. On Wednesday morning before meeting with Trump, Lavrov even cracked a joke about his hosts’ political predicament, laughingly claiming not to have heard of the Comey firing while standing alongside Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson.
In other words, Lavrov was right where he has always wanted to be Wednesday: mocking the United States while being welcomed in the Oval Office by the president himself. […] – Politico
LGF Reader:
Deadly serious Q: Was it a good idea to let a Russian gov photographer & all their equipment into the Oval Office? […]
LGF Reader:
No. No it was not. [..]
Politico Reader:
Russian state media guys, with heaps of electronic equipment, were allowed to wander around with only Comrade Trump and the number 2 and 3 of the Russian foreign policy apparatus watching. One can only hope that Putin felt so comfortable with Trump that he told the Russian state media to not bother planting bugs. […]
Politico Reader:
Terrifying. [..]
Yes I heard about this Truth. They let these Russian spies in the White House so you know they put all kind of secret spy devices all over the place. I knew Trump was a idiot but I didn't think he could be this dumb.
BD it's just as Politico Reader expressed. "Terrifying."
I thought Scarborough was going to have a stroke during his morning show today and yesterday. He's been tearing Trump AND Trump's people AND the Repubs (in the Senate and House) apart. He really has.
LOL I wish I could have saw that. I bet it was something else.
Repubs have been protecting Trump and making up excuses for him for months. But like DJ said I don't see how he gets out of this one. You can't fire the guy who is investigating you. That got Nixon impeached and now Trump is next. He can't explain away this.
Daniel Larison:
I can readily believe that Trump would do something self-destructive on impulse without thinking about the consequences, but the more remarkable thing about this episode is that no one in his inner circle was able to alert him to the obvious dangers of what he was about to do. That confirms that the president is terrible at assessing risk, and it also tells us that none of his closest advisers is effective in steering him away from making huge blunders. This is just the latest in a string of wounds that Trump has inflicted on himself, but it appears to be one of the largest and most damaging to date.
Every new administration makes mistakes, but I haven’t seen any that has engaged in so much gratuitous self-sabotage as this one does. […] – TAC writer
TAC Reader:
True. But, the real danger is not to Trump, or to the office of the president. It is to the people of the United States. This fool has got to go. And it is up to Republicans of integrity to see that the system of checks and balances function as intended to preserve the rule of law. […]
TAC Reader:
There is a cancer in the white house. Trump is going down and he’s afraid, so he lashes out. Stupid-Sad. […]
TAC Reader:
As a “liberal”, shall we say someone positioned about where the GOP was about 40 years ago, the only comfort this administration gives me is its {total} disfunctionalism. If this man were sane and competent, the toxic agenda of our current extreme Right GOP would be getting placed into effect. […]
UPDATE: Fri. May 12th, 2017
Donlad J. Trump (tweet)
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! [..]
Rod Dreher:
The thing to keep in mind is that this Dumpster fire is entirely of Trump’s own making. Maybe Comey deserved to be fired. If so, you don’t fire him in the middle of this Russia investigation, you don’t fire him in a dirty way guaranteed to raise everyone’s suspicions, and you sure don’t lie about it, and send your people (Pence, Sanders, et al.) out to lie about it.
So, now the President of the United States is threatening blackmail against the former FBI director to shut him up. Honestly, my pro-Trump readers, at what point do you say, “Enough!”? – TAC writer
TAC Reader:
So, we’ve gotten to the point where the President of the United States is publicly threatening the former FBI Director he literally just fired in an attempt to make him keep quiet. Note, this FBI director was in the midst of conducting an investigation against this very same President.
It all just so transparently screams out: what might Comey have to say that would lead Trump to publicly threaten him?
What scares Trump so much that Comey knows?
How are Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway going to spin this as something totally normal? […]
NR Reader:
Trump is a pathologically lying con man fraud Putin stooge and admitted sexual assaulter with narcissistic personality disorder who fired the director of the FBI for investigating him. […]
NR Reader:
It's hard to imagine any future where the GOP is able to recover from the stench of Trump's hostile, repugnant takeoever of its party. No matter where you stand politically, it's a depressing thing to watch.
I believe our country is strong enough to withstand his continued assault on the nation's collective norms, values and beliefs and that democracy will chew him up and spit him out soon enough. But I don't believe the Republican Party is similarly positioned. […]
"Trump’s attempt to fix the Comey crisis made it worse"
Inside the White House, the mood was dour. Several White House officials said aides who didn’t need to see the president stayed away from the Oval Office — and kept their doors closed. The president had little on his public schedule and spent several hours talking about the Comey situation, mostly fuming, and even re-tweeted criticism of Comey posted by his longtime nemesis Rosie O’Donnell in December.
Trump did the lengthy interview with Holt even though some on his staff believed it was a bad idea and gave his answers off-the-cuff. One person who spoke to him said he’d been “fixated” on his news coverage and believed his press team was failing him and that he needed “to take the situation into his own hands.”
The episode highlights two fundamental issues of the Trump presidency: It is often impossible to work for Trump in the White House — and it is often impossible for Trump to be happy with those who work for him.
“They’re hostages,” said longtime political consultant Mark Corallo, who served as Attorney General John Ashcroft’s spokesman under President George W. Bush. […] – Politico
Politico Reader:
He is so consumed by what people think and say yet he keeps doing things to embarass himself. A normal person would put more thought into what they do and say, especially knowing that they are in the public eye.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that he should be relieved of presidential duties so he can get treatment, before he completely self-destructs and takes us down with him. […]
Politico Reader:
What the ever-loving hell have you done, America? […]
Politico Reader:
We elected a reality TV host to run the government, and our government has subsequently turned into an absurd Frankenstein of "Survivor", "Big Brother", and "Let's Make a Deal". Please don't be too hard on us. I'm personally still grappling with the fact that this line was actually published:
"A person familiar with the press secretary’s location late Tuesday night said Spicer was standing between or behind bushes, but not physically in a bush."