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January 6th Committee Closing In On Trump

- Evidence against Mob Boss Don is creating a rock-solid case against him

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Don’t look now, but the congressional January 6th Committee is closing in fast on Donald Trump and his deranged sycophants for their role in last year’s Capitol Hill insurrection. Interestingly, it now has Trump and Republicans shaking in their boots.

Top News Today
When Trump hid inside The White House on that fateful January afternoon and secretly participated behind the scenes in the violent MAGA insurrection on Capitol Hill, ‘The Donald’ was sure Steve Bannon and other members of his inner circle would remain faithful and keep silent.  He was right.  However, too bad for Trump that at least one person with complete access and knowledge has been cooperating and providing invaluable information to the January 6th Committee — and it has left the former White House tenant seething mad!

January 6th Committee
Keith Kellogg

According to CNN, Keith Kellogg (who was national security advisor to Mike Pence but was with Trump when the riot began) is presumed to be the “inner circle” member who’s been spilling all the Trump “tea” to the January 6th Committee.  Also, according to CNN, Kellogg is not the only source tattling on Trump.

As if that weren’t enough, the committee also learned that Trump sat holed up inside the White House and completely ignored pleas from Ivanka Trump and others that he should tell his fanatics to end their riotous insurrection and go home. Instead, Trump defiantly spent 3 hours watching the violence unfold on television and purposely did nothing (to stop the melee) while getting a narcissistic kick out of seeing his supporters nearly tear down the US seat of government just for him.

January 6th Committee
Committee chairman Bennie Thompson

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson and Vice Chairwoman Liz Cheney each leaked this information to the public so that Trump would know that the committee is holding some very powerful evidence against him.  It was also a stark message to Trump’s cronies that their game of ignoring subpoenas and coddling ‘The Donald’ will no longer work to their advantage.  Beginning immediately, they will either be forced to testify or risk going down right along with their MAGA leader.

“We have significant testimony that leads us to believe that the White House had been told to do something,” Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat said. “When we produce our report and when we have the hearings, the public will have an opportunity to see for themselves, (just how good their case against Trump really is)” he added.

January 6th Committee
Co-Chairwoman Liz Cheney

“We know his daughter — we have firsthand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to ‘please stop this violence,'” the RepublicanCheney from Wyoming said. “Any man who would provoke a violent assault on the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes, any man who would watch television as police officers were being beaten, as his supporters were invading the Capitol of the United States, is clearly unfit for future office, clearly can never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again,” Cheney concluded.

So, what went wrong for Donald Trump in just the past few days?

Although Democrats openly invited any GOP House member to participate and have a say on the committee, Republicans boldly refused. But why??

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was so hell-bent on proving to Donald Trump that he was loyal and didn’t support the January 6th Committee, he instructed all Republican House members to refuse to cooperate or become a member of the committee.  The move left Democrats with the option to diversify by adding GOP Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger  to the panel– 2 Republicans who are NOT blind supporters of Trump and certainly not the least bit interested in doing Trump’s bidding

Again, too bad for McCarthy but his decision has now completely backfired.

January 6th Committee
Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump

With no Trump-flunkies on the committee, neither McCarthy nor Trump has the luxury of receiving back-channel intel regarding what the committee is doing or discussing.  Nor do they have a trusted MAGA flunkie in place on the committee to muck up the process then blab to Trump on how to avoid the committee or Congress from taking him down.

In short, he’s sh*t out of luck!

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
January 6th committee is ready to go against Trump.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I cannot believe I did not realize there was a new story from DJ out today. But Adam Kingzer and Liz Cheney are not playing games. They are not going to follow Repub marching orders and treat Trump like he is some type of king. They are risking everything to follow the constitution and do the right thing and I support them for it. I think they really got Trump backed in a corner this time. Between them and NY state he is about to be done.


I’m a day late responding to this. Today is my first day back to the “real world” after a wonderful (and much needed) holiday break.

I’ll keep it brief.

Trump and ALL those who played any part his seditious plan to overthrow Our government are Traitors to Our country and democracy. I hope and pray that ALL will be charged, tried in a court of law and convicted.

I won’t believe it until I see it. But I do hope and pray that it happens.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

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