Comments on: Jeff Flake, Dan Rather, Others Censure Donald Trump News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 31 Oct 2017 05:15:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 17:04:20 +0000 Whatever the Republican party used to be – say 30-40 yrs ago- clearly those days are long gone.

The party of Lincoln or even Reagan for that matter, is no more. It is Trump’s party now.

And long after this farce of a presidency is over the stench and stain of Trump will remain attached to the Republican party. Long after this farce of a presidency is over everyone who supported such a vile and vulgar, and hateful, and dishonest and ignorant and dangerous man for president will still be living with the Truth about himself/herself. That Trump was indeed the perfect reflection of them.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 16:28:10 +0000 Yes a few, as in 3 or 4, Repubs, are finally speaking out against Trump but as BD correctly stated “where was all this a year and a half ago before the election?”

The truth is, Trump behaviors now are no more abhorrent than they’ve always been. They guy rode “Bitherism,” Hate, proud ignorance and other reprehensible indignities to the top of the Republican party ticket for Pete’s sake. ALL of his actions during the Republican primaries and then during the general were on FULL display for all the world to see, courtesy of 24/7 cable news. His offenses were no less egregious.

And McCain, Corker and Flake supported that guy for president and leader of their party. So they get no props from me for finally saying what has been SO obvious to any decent human-being who has ever paid the slightest bit of attention to Donald J. Trump. Trump is Trash. Pure. Trash.

And 62,979,879 Americans voted to put such a vile and vulgar and ignorant and dangerous creature in the White House. Whatever irreparable damage he does to Our country is on each and every one of them -including McCain, Corker and Flake.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:45:47 +0000 Yes a few Repubs are finally speaking out against Trump (his abhorrent behaviors and the irreparable damage he’s doing to this country). But the majority of Repubs on Capitol Hill have NO interest in doing the same. They are Cowards who have chosen to continue cowering in the corner hoping No One will notice that they are Cowards, because it’s more important to them to get tax-cuts done for the rich and super-rich. Trump is the perfect leader for them.

But I’m not giving props to the Johnny-come-lately bunch either. As BD expressed…where was all this push-back PRIOR to the 2016 elections? Bithrism didn’t just take place yesterday. In fact, ALL of the reprehensible behaviors Trump is exhibiting now he’s been exhibiting For.Years. The whole world witnessed it courtesy of 24/7 cable news. And Repubs on Capitol Hill, including McCain, Corker and Flake supported that cretin for President anyway!?!

Whatever the Republican party used to be…40-50 yrs ago….those days are long gone. Clearly it’s NOT that party anymore. Republican leaders have been craven in their leadership.

We are witnessing the unintended consequences of their cravenness unfolding before our eyes.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 25 Oct 2017 12:44:30 +0000 You are right they are coming for Donald Trump. Except where was all this a year and a half ago before the election? These dumb Repubs kept believing Trump was going to pivot and become presidential somehow. Like Maya Angelou said when somebody shows you who they are believe them. Trump showed everybody who he was a long time ago and he ain’t changed. Why didn’t nobody believe him? Now they are coming out too late. The other problem is the Repubs speaking out are retiring. So they can’t impeach him if they are not there. But I just read this morning that Flake said a whole lot more Repubs are about to come out against Trump. I’ll believe it when I see it but I hope so. This fool has got to go.
