Jeffrey Epstein: Suicide Or Silenced?
Did multimillionaire financier and accused child molester Jeffrey Epstein really take his own life? Don’t bet on it!
Current Events
Jeffrey Epstein died Saturday while in custody at the Metropolitan Corrections Center in New York City. Although his death was ruled a suicide, instant speculation is that he didn’t kill himself but was killed.

Epstein had been accused of running a decades-long child molestation ring, which provided under-aged girls to ultra-rich and powerful men for their sexual use. A recent report indicates that his list of high-profile clients included former New Mexico governor and United Nations Ambassador Bill Richardson, former Democratic Sen. George Mitchell, Prince Andrew of England, and a host of others.
“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” – Donald Trump
Epstein’s arrest caused immediate panic among his sex offender clients since it was expected that his high-profile friends would either help him beat the rap and avoid jail — or take the fall with him. While sitting in jail, Epstein was preparing to sing like a canary and take down a lot of prominent men from around the world. So, why then would he suddenly kill himself?
That is now the million-dollar question. The circumstances simply look too suspicious and near-impossible for his death to have been by suicide.
Let’s take a look at the rather questionable timeline of events:
Upon his arrest, Jeffrey Epstein was placed on immediate suicide watch. Then, magically, he was mysteriously removed from round-the-clock watch.
It’s common protocol for inmates coming off suicide watch to share a cell with another inmate. Epstein’s cellmate was mysteriously removed for unknown reasons, leaving the accused sex offender in a cell by himself.
Guards within the federal detention center’s Special Housing Unit are required to check on inmates every 30 minutes. If the inmates appear to be asleep, protocol states guards should make sure they’re OK. However, Epstein was left unchecked for hours.
Additionally, CBS News is reporting that one of the guards assigned to watch Epstein on the night he died was not a regular corrections officer.

According to a former MCC inmate, it would have been virtually impossible for Epstein to have committed suicide. The inmate shared his information with the New York Post:
There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time in those units. It’s an impossibility.
Between the floor and the ceiling is like 8 or 9 feet. There’s no way for you to connect to anything.
You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.
When you’re on suicide watch, they put you in this white smock, a straitjacket. They know a person cannot be injurious to themselves.
Could he have done it from the bed? No sir. There’s a steel frame, but you can’t move it. There’s no light fixture. There’s no bars.
They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens and maybe once a week a piece of paper.
Nothing hard or made of metal.
it’s my firm belief that Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide. It just didn’t happen.
Officials say Jeffrey Epstein hung himself during a period where he went unchecked by the guards. However, according to the former MCC inmate, there are no sheets or other items within any cell capable of conducting a hanging. Also, there is nothing inside a cell a person could be hanged from.
So, if his cellmate was mysteriously removed, the “new” guard went missing for several hours, and nothing inside of his cell was capable of helping him to commit suicide, then how did Jeffrey Epstein die?
Perhaps, the better question is: WHO KILLED JEFFREY EPSTEIN?
Congress says it will launch an investigation into Epstein’s untimely and rather suspicious death.
Welp…I’ll tell ya. When the news of Epstein’s death first broke my immediate thought was of Frank Pentangeli’s death by suicide in Godfather 2.
“Why did Frank Pentangeli kill himself in Godfather 2?”
After the [Senate] hearing, consigliere Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) visits Frank in custody. Hagen tells Frank that he did the right thing by recanting. Tom and Pentangeli talk nostalgically about the good old days when the Corleone Family, as Pentangeli says, “was like the Roman Empire.” Hagen tells a story about what would happen to traitors during those Roman days, implying that the correct thing for Pentangeli to do now is to kill himself. Hagen tells Pentangeli if he accepts responsibility for turning on the Corleone family and kills himself, Frank’s family will always be taken care of, just as the families of confessed traitors in the Roman days who killed themselves were allowed to keep all of their possessions. He thanks Hagen, returns to his assigned quarters, and despite the presence in the other room of his federal guards, commits suicide by slitting his wrists while taking a bath. […]- Wikipedia
“Epstein was not married and does not appear to have any children. But he does have a (younger) brother.” – CBS News
It’s also been widely reported that Epstein had a long-time relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell. She’s been likened to being his long-time right-hand “man” (if you will)..accused of having recruited many young girls for Epstein and his “friends” and in fact has already settled a few cases out of court.
Which brings me to the Most impotent point. Epstein had a ton of incriminating info on some of the most “ultra-rich and powerful” men in the world regarding sex with underage girls. Someone, no doubt, preferred that he remain Silent on such “highly sensitive” matters and take ALL that information with him to his grave.
In short: I believe he was Strongly encouraged to kill himself AND he had some Help getting it done.
I don’t know Truth I don’t think he killed himself. There are two theories I heard people talking about. There was nothing inside the cell he could use to commit suiced so people are saying he got murdered to keep him quiet. But I also heard he paid somebody off to make it look like he was dead but he got out while some other prisoner body was taken out in place of Epstein. I know that last one sounds far out there but a billionaire could probably pull it off.
“There was nothing inside the cell he could use to commit suicide so people are saying he got murdered to keep him quiet.”
I hear you BD and I absolutely agree. A lot rich and powerful people wanted to keep him quiet.
Do I believe someone supplied the rope? Yep. And do I believe all the other nonsense surrounding his “suicide” (him left unchecked for hours by guards who were part-time, overworked AND perhaps asleep at the helm) are ALL just coincidences? Nope.
But absent any concrete evidence to the contrary, I’m still left with my original thought. He was Strongly encouraged to kill himself and he received Help from others to ensure it got done.
But Truth my thing is this. Killing himself would be the last resort. All that dirt he had on people he could have used to get himself off and disappear somewhere. Plus they say there was nothing in the jail he could have hung himself from. Maybe if he got convicted and ran out of options then yeah. But to kill himself now I doubt it. He had too much money to take his own life. I still say they killed him off and made it look like suicide.
Oh I’m not saying you’re wrong BD. In fact, I’m agreeing with you – whether he was forced to kill himself (as I believe is more likely) OR someone actually killed him (as you and many other people believe)…it’s hardly a difference. He was killed.
Another day. another lawsuit against Maxwell. And now with Epstein gone she really IS all alone…….
“Epstein accuser sues Ghislaine Maxwell, other Epstein staffers, says they made rape possible”
A new front in the Jeffrey Epstein case opened Wednesday morning, as Epstein accuser Jennifer Araoz filed a lawsuit against his estate, his longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell and three unnamed female household staff.
Araoz alleges she was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Epstein at his New York City townhouse when she was 14 and 15 years old, including a forcible rape in 2002. She first disclosed her alleged abuse publicly in an exclusive TODAY Show interview with Savannah Guthrie of NBC News on July 10, the same day she filed papers in New York state court saying she intended to sue Epstein.
The complaint Araoz filed Wednesday alleges Maxwell and the other staffers “conspired with each other to make possible and otherwise facilitate the sexual abuse and rape of Plaintiff.”
The suit is among the first to be filed against Epstein’s estate following his death by suicide Saturday. It amends a suit she intended to file against him to name his estate as a defendant. […] –
I am sorry I do not think this man killed himself. He had so much dirt on so many people he could use in his favor. The only way he would kill himself is if he thought he would be in jail for the rest of his life. But with all the dirt he had and all his powerful friends plus his money he had a way to beat being in jail. Some people forget Epstein was sent to jail a year ago but made a deal where he could leave jail six days a week to go to work. Who ever heard of that before? This man was too connected to not work something out instead of kill himself. I say he either got killed or he paid somebody to make it look like he was dead and is living on a island somewhere.
1. New York Times Columnist: Epstein Said He Had Dirt on Powerful Acquaintances, Aug. 13, 2019
2. “The Day Jeffrey Epstein Told Me He Had Dirt on Powerful People” – NYTimes, Aug. 12, 2019
In the immediate aftermath of Jeffrey Epstein’s death Saturday morning, conspiracy theories swirled. Although the former financier and convicted pedophile accustomed to living the highest of lives was facing life in prison, people immediately thought his death came at the hands of someone else.
It makes sense—even if there’s no proof—as Epstein potentially had incriminating evidence on not one but two presidents, as well as a host of other people. But it’s also plausible he didn’t want to face a public trial and a lengthy jail sentence.
But the newest conspiracy roiling around a death that is still only a few hours old is that maybe Epstein didn’t even die and that a body double was instead used to help him escape justice for his crimes.
The evidence? In a picture published of him on a gurney after he was removed from jail and taken to a nearby hospital, his ear maybe looks kinda different?
There are also some thoughts that his nose looks a tad different.
The theory, I guess, is that Epstein is so powerful and so connected, he could stage a suicide in federal jail, and while everyone was focusing on the news, walk out the back free to live out his days on an island somewhere.