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Jerry Sandusky Speaks

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In a telltale jailhouse interview that aired yesterday, convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky is speaking out publicly, much to the dismay of the family of the late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno.

During the 3-hour interview with documentary filmmaker John Zieglar, who is making a film in the hopes of clearing Paterno’s name, Sandusky denied that he ever had sexual contact with young boys. He downplayed the testimony of key witness Mike McQueary, who testified that he saw Sandusky having sex with a minor boy in the locker room shower.  In fact, Sandusky flat out called McQueary a liar, while laughing at the idea that anything sexual was going on.

McQueary, who is a former Penn State assistant coach, testified he saw Sandusky standing “extremely” close to a young boy in the football locker room showers and heard “rhythmic slapping sounds” that he believed was sexual behavior.

“I don’t understand how anybody would have walked into that locker room, from where he was, and heard sounds associated that was sex going on,” Sandusky said in the interview. “I mean that would have been the last thing I would have thought about. I would have thought maybe fooling around or something like that,” he said, laughing.

The big question is, why is Sandusky speaking out now?  Why didn’t he take the stand and make these emphatic denials during the trial?  Is he truly trying to clear his good name, or is he just attempting to save face and a reputation that has long since been tarnished?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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This guy is a twisted piece of work. Period.

And sadly I'm not surprised he's still trying to *play* everybody (including himself). When you think of the kind of perverted and depraved mindset it takes to prey on innocent children..and think nothing of it!?!…you're dealing with, IMO, the equivalent of a *rabid dog* who should be put to sleep.

Regarding clearing Paterno's name: yeah. Good luck with that/sarc.

The truth is…the only people I consider worse than human *rabid dogs* are the people who protect and enable those dangerous animals.

Paterno et al knew the sick truth about Sandusky and they did NOTHING. End of story.


On a relatd note….

I feel the same way about Bernice King, and others who, were close to Eddie Long, knew the sick truth about that *rabid dog,* and did NOTHING.

Did the media cover the Eddie Long story? Yep. They did.

However, I don't feel that story got nearly the depth of coverage that the Sadusky story got. Was it because it's a "Black" story? Or was the media reluctant to shine the spotlight on MLK's baby-daughter?..she was, after all Long's #1 assistant…his right-hand "man" if you will.

Whatever the reason…I think it's a sin and a shame that Bernice et al have been allowed to get away scott free, when IMO, they are every bit as guilty as Paterno and his cronies.

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