Current Events

Jim Acosta Of CNN Kicked Out Of White House

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The accountability of Donald Trump has begun — and make no mistake:  Trump doesn’t like it and CNN’s Jim Acosta is the scapegoat having to pay for it.

Current Events
A testy exchange between Donald Trump and Jim Acosta that played out on live television is proof positive “The Donald” is hell-bent on restricting the free press and having only HIS version of the truth reported.  This was never more evident than on Wednesday during a press conference at The White House when an unhinged Trump clashed with several members of what he refers to as the “fake news” media.  Among them was CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Acosta made the mistake (in Donald’s eyes) of persisting to ask Trump about his erroneous claims regarding a migrant caravan heading toward the US border.  The question annoyed Trump so much that he refused to answer, then spoke loudly over Acosta and demanded he relinquish the microphone to a White House staffer.

Jim Acosta

“That’s enough,” Trump said repeatedly as Acosta pressed forward with his question.

“CNN should be ashamed of itself, having you working for them,” Trump scolded while shaking his finger at Acosta. “You are a rude, terrible person.”

It didn’t end there.

“Honestly, You should let me run the country. You run CNN. And if you did it well, your ratings would be much better,” an angry Donald warned the CNN reporter.

Trump then tried to shift focus by calling on Peter Alexander of NBC News.  However, that decision proved futile when Alexander came to Acosta’s defense and boldly informed Trump that not only is Acosta NOT a bad person but is actually a “diligent reporter.”

“Well, I’m not a big fan of yours either,” the petty Trump said. “You aren’t the best.”

Trump then went on to clash with various other members of the media and to whine that they were picking on him — all because he didn’t like their questions or the feeling of being held accountable for anything.

The heated exchanges were a stark reminder that the media is very prepared to challenge Trump on his attempts to squelch the freedom of the press and prevent them from doing their jobs — a reality “The Donald” definitely does not like.

As punishment for Jim Acosta daring to pose questions to Trump he would rather not answer (or at least not answer truthfully), The White House announced late Wednesday that they have revoked Acosta’s press credentials and that he is no longer permitted on White House grounds.

Jim Acosta

CNN has since issued a statement defending Acosta and the American right to a free press.

The moral of this story (at least from Trump’s perspective) is:  either do the “King’s” bidding or be banned from the kingdom!


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Trump kicks CNN’s Jim Acosta out of The White House.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Jim Acosta is a reporter I have some respect for. He can hold his own against Trump (and Trump’s cronies) any day…that’s why Trump can’t stand him…or April Ryan, for that matter. Acosta and Ryan aren’t the least bit intimidated by Trump. They go right at him (and Sanders) with real questions. None of that softball crap.

    I doubt Jim will capitulate and kiss Donald’s butt to regain his press pass to the White House. But we’ll see.


  2. And on a related “Trump is unhinged” note……….

    Turns out I was Very wrong in my initial take on the midterm results. DJ and BD were right. Indeed Dems had a very good, if not great midterms. A huge BLUE WAVE did happen. Dems have a lot more power now.

    As more close races are finally called across the country Dems are racking up more wins. Late votes still being counted have Dems pulling ahead by decent margins OR close enough to trigger a Recount (see Andrew Gillum and possibly Stacey Abrams). In fact, Dems have pulled out close races in ruby red districts and states, thus far, winning at least 57% of all close races.

    (CNN) Democratic US Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has pulled slightly ahead of Republican Rep. Martha McSally in the close race for US Senate in Arizona. […]

    In other words, expect Trump to become more unhinged as he feels his “enemies” closing in.

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