
Job Fair Hunts For Willing White House Employees

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For years, Donald Trump has claimed he has the special ability and connections to hire the very “best in the business” to work for his administration. So, why then did The White House host a public Job Fair to fill a dire West Wing employee hiring shortage??

Don’t look now, but people are running away from jobs inside the Trump White House faster than you can say “Sarah Huckabee Sanders.”  Yes, Trump’s 1st set of choices either quit or were fired only months, weeks, or even days into their jobs. His 2nd set didn’t fare any better and now, less than a year and a half into the administration, White House officials are struggling to fill vacancies ahead of a mass staff exodus expected around the midterm elections.

The resignation of White House legislative director Marc Short is imminent. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is said to be exasperated from having to lie for Trump every single day and is also rumored to be near a resignation. Other senior staff members and officials are reportedly eyeing the door later this year as well, which will only compound the difficulty the White House has had in recruiting talent from within Republican circles.



To put it bluntly, the Trump team has been struggling to attract and retain talent. With everyone seemingly running for the hills out of fear of having their careers tainted by associating with Trump or in anticipation of a potential Trump indictment by Robert Mueller, The White House has succumbed to quietly reaching out to any and everyone even remotely qualified for a job, advertising on public job websites, and hosting a recent Job Fair.

Late last week, the Trump administration conducted the “Executive Branch Job Fair” inside the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Hosted by the Conservative Partnership Institute, approximately 900 people participated and met with officials from the Presidential Personnel Office. Officials were especially looking for candidates to fill immediate job openings including policy analyst, international economist, and positions in human resources and the trade office.

So, exactly why would someone as talented as Trump who allegedly has people lining up and begging to work for him need to host a Job Fair? According to one Republican operative who was approached for a job last year but was quick to turn it down, the constant controversies surrounding Trump have repelled many within GOP circles.

“There’s two dominant reasons why experienced political hands are avoiding the administration. One is that some men’s wives would kill them if they went to work for Trump,” the operative said. “And two, it’s a potentially career-ending move. You become toxic to corporate America, and it’s not clear how you make money after serving in the Trump administration, especially in a high-level role.”

So far, no word on how the Job Fair went or if Trump was able to find anyone actually willing to work for him.  Stay tuned…

White House Job Fair


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
White House Job Fair wants people willing to work for Trump.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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DJ, your post is indeed timely. Here’s a name to add to the list of those definitely leaving…. “Bush Veteran Joseph Hagin to Leave Trump White House Post” WASHINGTON — Joseph W. Hagin, a deputy chief of staff to President Trump and one of the most seasoned government veterans on a team populated mainly by newcomers with little if any prior experience in the White House, plans to step down next month. Mr. Hagin led a delegation of officials in Singapore who arranged the logistics of Mr. Trump’s landmark summit meeting with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader. Mr. Hagin may be on the leading edge of a fresh wave of departures from a White House that has had record turnover. Among others who have been said to be considering leaving this year are Mr. Kelly; Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel; Marc Short, the legislative affairs director;… Read more »


My thinking on this has always been this – there’s GOT to be something wrong with anyone who’d take a job in THIS administration. To paraphrase Joe Scarborough: Trump is like a fire-fighting “ARSONIST.” That erratic headcase sets off at least one fire .Every. Day. Then he rushes in and makes of show of pretending to save the day. THIS is not new information! So WHY pray tell would any sane and reasonably intelligent person -who doesn’t have some serious “flaws” themselves want to work for the guy!?! I’m reminded of Ret. Vice Adm. Bob Harward, a former U.S. Navy Seal, who rejected Trump’s offer to become new national security adviser at the very beginning of this sham presidency. Jake Tapper tweeted: A friend of Harward’s has been quoted in the press as saying Harward was reluctant to take the job because the White House seems unstable. Harward called the… Read more »


Wait a minute. If Trump claims there are a hundred people lining up for every job to work for him then why does he need a job fair? Oh it is because he was lying once again. The way I hear it there are still a whole lot of positions that were never filled from the time he got there. Now he has all these people leaving left and right. Any sane person would get the hint nobody wants to work for them. But then Trump is no sane person. I wonder if they found anybody in the fair?

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