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Joe Biden Apology Demand Is Hypocritical

- Why isn't Donald Trump being held to the same standard?

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Much has been made of late of Joe Biden’s penchant for displaying affection via touching and invading personal space.  However, are the calls for a formal Joe Biden apology hypocritical?

Top News Today
“Why Won’t Biden Apologize,” the news headlines demanded last week after a Joe Biden apology video didn’t actually include the words “I’m sorry.”  However, were those words truly necessary or more of an hypocritical overreach?

Joe Biden Apology

“I’ve always tried to make a human connection,” Biden said in his video statement.  That’s my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say, ‘You can do this.’  And whether they’re women, men, young, old, it’s just the way I’ve always been. It’s the way I try to show them I care about them and I’m listening.  And over the years, knowing what I’ve been through—the things that I’ve faced—I’ve found that scores, if not hundreds, of people have come up to me and reached out for solace and comfort: something, anything, that might help them get through the tragedy they’re going through.  And so—it’s just who I am.

“Social norms have begun to change,” Biden continued. “They’ve shifted, and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset, and I get it, I get it. I hear what they’re saying. I understand it. And I’ll be much more mindful―that’s my responsibility. That’s my responsibility, and I’ll meet it.”

Not long after the Joe Biden apology video was released, news outlets began to berate the former vice-president for failing to say the words “I’m sorry.”

However, where were these same news outlets when Donald Trump was grabbing pussies and bragging about making moves on women??  Did these news outlets display the same outrage and demand for Trump to say “I’m sorry” too??

Um… NO!  And therein lies the hypocrisy.

How is anyone attempting to hold Joe Biden’s feet to the fire for acts that are certainly invasive but not at all sexual, while giving Donald Trump a free pass for decades of acts that are clearly perverted and purposely sexual?

Joe Biden Apology


“He’s not a sexual predator, but he is out of touch,” The New York Times wrote in an article entitled ‘The Wrong Time For Joe Biden.’

“Biden’s unwanted touching should be part of the #MeToo movement,” wrote Teen Vogue Magazine.

Even Donald Trump got in a few jabs on Biden, saying he doesn’t consider the former vice-president a political threat because he’s “only a threat to himself.”

Can anyone spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L???

Joe Biden Apology
Lucy Flores with Sen. Bernie Sanders

For her part in launching the Biden backlash, Lucy Flores has since begun to backpedal and acknowledge that Joe’s actions never rose to the level of a sexual threat.

“For the record, I don’t believe that it was a bad intention. I’m not in any way suggesting that I felt sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. I felt invaded. I felt there was a violation of my personal space,” Flores said.

Is a formal Joe Biden apology (complete with the words “I’m Sorry”) really necessary, or were his words acknowledging the invasive nature of his actions enough?  If Biden’s behavior is being discussed as part of the #MeToo movement, why hasn’t Donald Trump’s behavior been added to the same discussion?  Are Americans genuinely uncomfortable with Biden’s displays of affection, or could this be more of a political ploy to dissuade him from entering the 2020 race?

Finally, if Donald Trump’s over-the-top sexual perversions toward women didn’t disqualify him for the presidency,  isn’t any discussion of Joe Biden’s invasion of space already a moot point?


OK WASSUP! discusses Top News Today:
Are demands for a Joe Biden apology hypocritical?


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“Joe Biden Apology Demand Is Hypocritical”

Lordy DJ…there you go again being much too kind. What the American news media is trying to do to Biden isn’t just “hypocritical. It’s insidious. And quite typical.

Just look at their MO for at least the past 25 yrs. Generally, that industry doesn’t place much value on the reporting of actual news….especially 24/7 cable news. Most of that industry is driven to stay in busine$$ by ANY means necessary. They accomplish their agenda, primarily, by peddling mostly garbage news (my word for it). And they also Create and Control narratives. In this case they’re pushing the narrative that Biden should do something that in actuality he does NOT need to do.

And I really hope he rejects that nonsense and sees it for what it is…pure BS.


Now let me be clear. No man, including Biden, should ever feel free to touch Any woman without her permission or implied consent. Full stop. But Biden has addressed the allegations and I don’t feel any further action is necessary – certainly NOT an apology tour.

Given the sexual predator currently occupying the White House and the news media’s role in helping that sexual predator rise to power, I do hope that Biden and other Dem candidates will SEE the American news media (print, television and radio) for the insidious industry much of it has become.

Chart your own path. Go your own way. And to h*ll with the news media.


This makes me mad because I saw the New York Times and some others making a big deal about this nothing story. Trump already set the bar and it is low. If he can be the way he has to women and be president then Joe Biden has nothing to worry about. Anytime anybody brings it up all Joe has to do is read that Trump quote DJ posted. Then it is game over and case closed.

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