Comments on: Joe Biden Considers White House Run News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 05 Aug 2015 15:37:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 05 Aug 2015 15:37:12 +0000 The truth is, I have nothing but the utmost Respect for Joe Biden.

In 2008, prior to the election, when most Americans still couldn't quite believe that an African-American man could actually win the U.S. Presidency….let alone a man named Barack Hussein Obama!?!…Joe Biden jumped at the invite to become Obama's VP pick (see Obama's joint rally/press conference introducing Biden as his VP pick). The media had, at that time, all but declared Hillary to be Obama's VP pick. But Barack had other plans.

Yep. Biden may be a gaffe machine. But the man is a Class Act. He loves his family and his country and he's had Obama's back every step of the way. For all of that and more, I will never forget Joe Biden.

But let me also say……….

I still believe Hillary will win the Democrat nomination whether Biden runs or not. Her favorability status is taking a bit of a hit right now. But when hasn't the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) been easy targets for critics?! There are reasons to dislike them and goodness knows I get so sick of their arrogance at times.

However, I consider the Clintons to be very qualified and competent people..and I think most voters do too.

To say nothing of the fact that darn near ANY of the Repub candidates going up against Hillary already look like a very BAD joke, at best – John Kasich (Gov. of Ohio) being the ONLY possible exception.

Simply put, I believe she'll be our next President.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 05 Aug 2015 15:21:23 +0000 If he's still mourning his son I think this would be a bad idea. I read somewhere else that some of his friends think if he runs and loses it would ruin his legacy. They're all just too scared to tell him the truth and hope he works it out for himself. Joe's been a good soldier but he should pass on running for president.
