Comments on: JOE LIEBERMAN BLOCKING News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Wed, 16 Dec 2009 15:23:40 +0000 Ugh…..this man was almost Vice President of the United States. Boy did we dodge a bullet.

By: Webdoc Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:35:57 +0000 As a medical professional I know there are many factions against health reform. But as a proud liberal I also know how important health reform is to the nation. Joe Lieberman is obviously playing puppet to an insurance industry that is using him to force reform to fail. I only wish I still lived in CT so I could be part of the movement to vote him out.

By: Truthiz Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:45:48 +0000 During the shameful run-up to the Iraq invasion, it became apparent to me that Lieberman is a neoCON_and a Zionist_so I've NOT viewd him as anything but a snake since 2001. His latest acts (threats, lies, manipulation and extortion) concerning the healthcare reform bill comes as NO surprise to me. He's obviously "in the pocket" of the EXCLUSIVELY "FOR PROFIT" health insurance industry.I hope the people who voted this slimy and treacherous creature back into the senate are happy_smh.
