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John McCain Attacks Unleash Trouble For Trump

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A series of repetitive John McCain attacks from Donald Trump has riled several old-school Republicans, with one GOP senator threatening to unleash a verbal “whipping” against ‘The Donald’ if his trash talk doesn’t cease and desist ASAP!

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Sen. John McCain passed away from brain cancer last August after years of public service that began as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and culminated with a 3 decades career in the US Senate as well as winning the 2004 Republican nomination for President of the United States.  However, despite this stellar record and illustrious career, Donald Trump has always held a long-standing distaste for the late senator who was known as “The Maverick” — even going so far as to say during the 2016 presidential campaign that he doesn’t like McCain because he only likes “people who don’t get captured” (referring to McCain’s time as a POW in Vietnam).

Despite McCain no longer being of this earth, Donald Trump recently renewed his old John McCain attacks with remarks on Tuesday before members of the US military that has some Republicans seething mad.

John McCain Attacks

“I have to be honest, I never liked him much,” Trump said during a speech at a military tank plant in Lima, Ohio. “I probably never will.

“I endorsed him at his request and I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve,” Trump continued. “I don’t care about this, I didn’t get ‘thank you’. That’s OK.”

Trump is still angry at McCain for turning over a Russian dossier to the FBI that likely aided the Mueller investigation, as well as the time the senator left his sick-bed to cast the deciding vote against the repeal of Obamacare.  Trump is also pissed off for NOT be invited to McCain’s funeral (which was a specific request of the late senator) after doing “everything that they [the McCain family] requested” and allowing a (regularly designated) Air Force One jet to carry McCain’s body to Washington for funeral services.

“Not my kind of guy,” Trump said, “But some people like him, and I think that’s great.”

Needless to say, several prominent Republicans were not at all amused with Trump’s verbal beef with the deceased McCain and broke with recent GOP protocol to publicly rebuke him.

Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican Air Force veteran who was appointed to McCain’s seat from Arizona, was among the first to defend McCain’s legacy.

“John McCain is an American hero and I am thankful for his life of service and legacy to our country and Arizona,” she tweeted Wednesday. “Everyone should give him and his family the respect, admiration, and peace they deserve.”

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, a Trump critic-turned-supporter, also took offense at the rhetoric.

“I think the president’s comments about Sen. McCain hurt him more than they hurt the legacy of Sen. McCain,” he said, adding that, “A lot of people are coming to John’s defense now… I don’t like it when he says things about my friend John McCain.”

“No one will ever love Trump the way they loved my father.” – Meghan McCain


Movie star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger publicly warned Trump to terminate his attacks on the late-Sen. John McCain.

“He was just an unbelievable person,” Schwarzenegger said of McCain. “So an attack on him is absolutely unacceptable if he’s alive or dead — but even twice as unacceptable since he passed away a few months ago.”

Saying that Trump’s offensive “doesn’t make sense,” Schwarzenegger added: “I just think it’s a shame that the president lets himself down to that kind of level.  We will be lucky if everyone in Washington followed McCain’s example because he represented courage.”

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney also criticized Trump for his John McCain attacks.

“I can’t understand why the President would, once again, disparage a man as exemplary as my friend John McCain: heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic, and driven by duty to family, country, and God,” Romney tweeted on Tuesday.

However, it was Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia who had the harshest words for ‘The Donald.’

John McCain Attacks
Sen. Johnny Isakson

“It’s deplorable what he said, it will be deplorable if he says it again,” Isakson said during a Georgia Public Radio program.

“I just want to lay it on the line, that the country deserves better,” he continued. “The McCain family deserves better, I don’t care if he’s president of United States, owns all the real estate in New York, or is building the greatest immigration system in the world.”

Isakson wasn’t done.

“Nothing is more important than the integrity of the country and those who fought and risked their lives for all of us,”  the senator said.  Then, adding a statement he once said on the floor of the Senate, Isakson said: “Anybody who in any way tarnishes the reputation of John McCain deserves a whipping.”


Since ‘The Donald’ thrives on having one or more continuous enemies, it’s doubtful the rebuke from his fellow Republicans will dampen his John McCain attacks or calm his contentious behavior.  Still, it was good to see so many within the GOP finally show a spine when it comes to Donald Trump.

Maybe George Conway is right.  Perhaps Donald Trump really is mentally ill.


OK WASSUP! discusses Top News Today:
GOP rebukes Trump for John McCain attacks.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Trump is so petty. McCain got the last laugh on him when he didn’t invite him to his funeral. Now Trump can not let it go. Plus he can’t argue with McCain since he is no longer alive so Trump has to argue with a ghost. This is funny and sad all in one.

  2. I’m a day late commenting on this but BD pretty much summed it up for me. Especially this:

    “Plus, he can’t argue with McCain since he is no longer alive so Trump has to argue with a ghost. This is funny and sad all in one.”

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