
John Oliver Attacks Donald ‘Drumpf’

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John Oliver vs. Donald 'Drumpf'
John Oliver vs. Donald ‘Drumpf’

Entertainment –
John Oliver Attacks Donald ‘Drumpf’

Did you know that Donald Trump’s real name is Donald “Drumpf?” Well, the hilarious host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight definitely knows — and used his show this week to pound Donald Drumpf for 20 minutes.

John Oliver DRUMPF

It was a moment of sheer beauty — Oliver going after the hypocrisy of Donald Drumpf and everything he stands for. He even invented the hashtag #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain and created a web browser tool that will automatically change the name “Trump” to “Drumpf” on your behalf.

If you missed it, here it is.  Be sure to watch all 20 minutes, though.  Although long, it is WELL worth it!






OK WASSUP! covers entertainment and politics. Today’s article:
HBO’s John Oliver attacks Donald ‘Drumpf.’


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. "If you missed it, here it is. Be sure to watch all 20 minutes, though. Although long, it is WELL worth it! "


    Though I had heard about it I had not seen the video….until now.

    Thank you for posting it…..and…


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