Comments on: Jussie Smollett Verdict: The Aftermath News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:16:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Dec 2021 17:16:45 +0000 So here’s what I do NOT get…….

What is wrong with his Black family?! Is the whole family messed-up? Because clearly someone in his family had to have known that his story was pure BS and that THIS was not going to turn out well for Jussie if he went to trial.

Unless his family members are as crazy as he is?!

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Dec 2021 17:07:23 +0000 So..(inhale/exhale)..I’ve been Black my whole life! And as a life-long member of Our Black-American community I am very familiar with Our Black history in this country and Our Black culture (Our “ways” and customs). 

Now – it’s been my life experience that WE (Blacks) instinctively know when we’re being fed a load of Bullsh*t. Slavery had a lot to do with heightening Our sense of awareness on many fronts but especially when it comes to bullsh*t!  

Readers may recall when this story first broke WE (the Black community) were mostly silent. WE took a wait and see approach because the story made absolutely NO sense from jump! To paraphrase Dave Chappelle – WE were silent “because WE knew that Clearly the n*gga was lying.”

By: Mr.BD Mon, 13 Dec 2021 17:07:07 +0000 I am glad all this mess is finally over. This clown made it hard for people that really get attacked in the future to come forward. His career is over. Now he will get everything he deserves.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Dec 2021 16:47:28 +0000 Jussie Smollett and his attorney plan to appeal the verdict. Too bad for him, but the damage is already done. […] – DJ

They can appeal all they want. Their appeal is going Nowhere! And Jussie’s attorney knows it even if that fool (Jussie) doesn’t. 

Jussie’s obviously NOT too bright or he would Never have came up with such an outlandish hoax in the first place. And he sure as h*ll wouldn’t have gone to trial. He would’ve struck a plea deal. But NO, he had to take the “Stuck on Stupid” route. With his family by his side no less!?!

Which brings me to other-related thoughts I have on Jussie. His family.

By: Wil Mon, 13 Dec 2021 14:40:08 +0000 NBC News:

Smollett claimed that he had been attacked by two men who used racist and homophobic slurs. He said that they had doused him with bleach, tied a noose around his neck and screamed “this is MAGA country.” Their words echoed then-President Donald Trump’s divisive slogan, which had become a racist rallying cry.

My personal experience and the seething cauldron of hate that Trump had stirred up made it easy for me to believe Smollett. After all, why would a Black man make up a hoax when much of our history had been made bloody by white people telling lies that led to violence against us? I wasn’t the only one. At the time, the Rev. Al Sharpton tweeted, “The reported hate attack on my friend and brother, actor Jussie Smollett is despicable and outrageous. The guilty must face the maximum.” Empire producer Danny Strong, in a now deleted tweet, had this message for the alleged attackers: “Do not forget that you are nothing but hate filled cowards while Jussie’s talent and activism will continue to shine a bright light on to the world for decades to come.”

I believed him then. I want to believe him now, but with every statement he uttered, beginning with a “Good Morning America” interview with Robin Roberts in February 2019, the threads of his story unraveled. The jury in his trial came to a similar conclusion after deliberating for over nine hours. He had pleaded not guilty to the charges of falsely reporting that he was attacked, but the jury convicted Smollett on five of the six charges. Prior to the verdict, Hollywood figures who had supported him had gone silent and his career had been shattered. After the announcement, right-wing activists and pundits responded with glee, calling for Smollett to be held legally accountable.

It’s true, based on the facts presented, that Smollett lied, and in doing so he’s made it harder for victims who have been traumatized by racist and homophobic attacks. He’s made it more likely that they won’t come forward to report attacks out of fear that they won’t be believed. Instead, they will suffer in silence.
