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Justice Kavanaugh Confirmed And Sworn In!

- Does his confirmation prove America is broken? TAKE OUR POLL!

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On Saturday, the US Senate turned Judge Brett Kavanaugh into Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.

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With a vote of 50-48 Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed to the highest court in the nation in the most narrow confirmation vote in US history.  Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with her party and voted NO on Kavanaugh.  However, it was the “on the fence” Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Jeff Flake of Arizona (as well as Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia) who provided the necessary votes to push Kavanaugh over the top.  Not long after the YES vote, he was sworn-in and assumed his official post as Justice Kavanaugh.

Justice Kavanaugh

Despite claims of sexual assault from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and pleas from women all across America to ignore white male privilege and deny Kavanaugh a seat on the high court, the Republican-led Senate kept their conservative blinders on and followed Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell off a cliff.  Not long after the confirmation, Donald Trump took a victory lap and bragged that he believed his speech mocking Dr. Ford is what pushed Kavanaugh across the finish line.

“I think that the Mississippi speech had a great impact, yes – I think it was a very important thing,” Trump boasted to reporters aboard Air Force One.  He then went on to add that he is 100% convinced Dr. Ford is a bold-faced liar — a comment that almost assuredly caused sexual assault victims and women everywhere to cringe.

Trump also said he believes people are owed the presumption of innocence, prompting the obvious question: Does that include Black men and other minorities as well, or only indulged white men like Brett Kavanaugh?

So, why did the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh send conservatives into relentless jubilation?   The answer is as easy as 1st-grade arithmetic:  Roe v. Wade.

Conservatives, Evangelicals, and Republicans are so hell-bent on their “one trick pony” to end legal abortion, that they couldn’t care less if Donald Trump is in The White House or if an accused sexual predator is on the Supreme Court.  As long as they are aligned and in place to overturn Roe v. Wade, nothing else matters.

Justice Kavanaugh

Watching Sen. Susan Collins take 30+ minutes on the Senate floor to explain why she was voting YES and seeing Sen. Jeff Flake cave to the party he has regularly stood up to of late provided a sea of irony.  Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh flashed their white male privilege and were rewarded with power for their womanizing and sexual indiscretions.  African-American Bill Cosby was vilified and blackballed for his.

Can anyone spell DOUBLE-STANDARD???



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OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Justice Kavanaugh swearing-in a double standard?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Yes. This really wasn’t a surprise to me. Unlike Bill Cosby’s case, this was NOT a criminal case. This was a political case run amok and exploited by both sides. The so-called investigation was a total joke. In the end it came down to this- absent concrete evidence to corroborate Dr. Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh, he was judged by Trump and Repubs to be fit. And by their standard he is fit.

    Re: Roe v Wade

    We’ll have to wait and see if the U.S. Supreme Court actually rolls back Women’s Rights and ends legal abortion. But if they do take that step it will be because the majority of voters (via the EC) are just fine with that.

    “Elections have consequences” – Pres. Barack Obama

  2. There are a lot of double standards going on. Trump is no choir boy but he got away with things nobody else in America could. Now here comes Kavanaugh. The case against him wasn’t strong but it was not given a chance to be. The FBI check for a week was a joke. Repubs never believed the woman. Like DJ said all they cared about is making the court conservative. How this will play out I don’t know but I think the whole process was unfair. And this includes the time they told Obama he couldn’t appoint anybody even though he was still the president.

  3. (CNN)Senate Democrats believed they had Brett Kavanaugh on the ropes.

    Christine Blasey Ford had just revealed her identity and was prepared to testify in public, detailing her allegations that Kavanaugh had tried to sexual assault her more than three decades ago. On top of that, a New Yorker article had just revealed that a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, was accusing Kavanaugh of exposing his genitals to her while they were college students.

    Then came Michael Avenatti.

    The combative lawyer, who represents Stormy Daniels and has been a ubiquitous presence on cable television, revealed a stunning new allegation: A woman, Julie Swetnick, said she had witnessed the Supreme Court nominee attending more than 10 house parties between 1981 and 1983 where Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge, were present. At some of those parties, she alleged, Kavanaugh was “fondling and grabbing girls without their consent” and, along with others, spiking drinks to force girls to lose their inhibitions.

    She also alleged that at some parties, boys lined up by a bedroom to “gang-rape” incapacitated girls and claimed those in the lineup included Kavanaugh and Judge. But she did not say Kavanaugh or Judge assaulted the girls in the bedroom, nor did she provide the names of corroborating witnesses.
    Kavanaugh furiously denied the allegations.

    But the eye-popping nature of those claims suddenly gave Republicans an opportunity to shift the narrative away from Ford’s allegations and make a broader case that the growing accusations of sexual misconduct amounted to an orchestrated Democratic smear campaign, something Sen. Susan Collins, the swing GOP vote, cited herself when announcing she’d be the decisive vote to support Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

  4. CNN:
    Democratic strategist James Carville sits down with CNN’s Michael Smerconish to discuss Brett Kavanaugh, the upcoming midterms, and Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

    “If the Democrats win the House, they’ll probably hold some kind of hearings on the fact that a lot of people think that he perjured himself during his confirmation hearings to the Court of Appeals,” Carville predicted.

    Carville said the result of the Kavanaugh confirmation in terms of politics “is probably as good as you could hope for” for Democrats.

    “He’s not going to go away and had they defeated him, they would have just picked someone equally as right-wing as Kavanaugh… in a lame duck session. We’re not going to get this seat on the Supreme Court and I think in terms of political optimization, I think today’s result is probably as good as you could hope for,” Carville told Smerconish.

    The veteran Democratic strategist warned this is just the beginning, that Democrats will “keep digging up stuff” on Kavanaugh and that he will be a campaign issue not just in 2018 but 2020 as well.

    “Kavanaugh is going to be an issue in 2018. He’s going to be an issue in 2020. The Democrats are going to keep digging up stuff. The press is not going to stop all of the things that they’re working on about Kavanaugh,” he said.

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