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Justice Scalia Was Murdered?

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Was Justice Antonin Scalia murdered?
Was Justice Scalia murdered?

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Justice Scalia Was Murdered?

Was U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia murdered?  Conspiracy theorists have taken to the Internet with a resounding yes!

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As the court’s most revered conservative justice, Scalia’s surprise death in February has turned the conservative world upside down.  His death means an uncertain future for the nation’s highest court, particularly on issues Republicans were counting on Scalia to protect.

So, exactly how did he die?  According to the official death certificate, Scalia died of natural causes. However, a myriad of events surrounding his death have put that theory into question.

Justice Scalia was found in his bed on February 13th at the Cibolo Creek Hunting Ranch in West Texas. The U.S. Marshals Service traditionally provides security for justices, however Scalia declined protection for this trip and USMS personnel were not present at the ranch.

John Poindexter with President Obama
John Poindexter receives medal from President Obama

Scalia was discovered by Texas millionaire John B. Poindexter, the proprietor, who also happens to be a top Democratic donor and the recipient of a medal from President Obama for his military service in Vietnam.

“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed-clothes were unwrinkled,” Poindexter said, adding that Scalia “was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap.”

Some may find it interesting that paramedics were never called to even attempt to revive him. Nor was a coroner called to officially pronounce him dead.  Instead, Poindexter made a call to Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, who officially pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes…over the telephone…without ever seeing the body…and without ordering an autopsy.  Scalia’s body was flown back to Washington the next day and prepared for burial — all without any official investigation.  Although this is permissible under Texas law, it leaves a ton of question marks regarding the death of a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Justice Scalia murdered RANCH“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William Ritchie, former homicide commander of D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department said. “If you’re called to the scene to investigate a death, you will assume that death is a homicide until your investigation proves otherwise,” Ritchie continued, adding that an autopsy would have resolved many questions.

“My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas,” Ritchie added.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley agreed that an autopsy should have been performed.

“Frankly, I’m surprised there was not an autopsy,” Turley said. “I was also surprised at how casual the treatment of the (death) scene appeared to be. I mean, you had someone pronounced dead over the description of marshals on the phone. This is not just anyone, this is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court, one of the highest officials in the judicial branch, therefore one of the highest officials in our government.”

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So, why would anyone assume that Justice Scalia did not die from natural causes, but was murdered? Conspiracy theorists addressed that, while questioning President Obama’s absolute refusal to attend Scalia’s funeral.

“I wish it was natural causes,” conservative radio host Alex Jones said of Scalia’s death. “But my gut tells me they killed him and all the intellectual evidence lays it out.  If this is an assassination, it signifies that they’re dropping the hammer. That’s the canary in the coal mine.”

Justice Scalia murdered OBAMA
President and Mrs. Obama view Scalia’s casket.

Mike King, author of two books detailing the rise of the New World Order and a writer for the conspiracy website Tomato Bubble, said he is pretty certain there was foul play involved in Scalia’s death. He argued that forces used either a toxin or a special “heart attack gun” to get Scalia out-of-the-way.

“It’s naïve to think these types of activities don’t happen at the high levels of power. Understand ‘The Godfather’ and you understand how the world works,”  King said.

Mark Shouldice, known in the conspiracy theorist circuit as Mark Dice, also added his take on Scalia’s death.

“As a media analyst, my report uncovered some of the reasons why people are suspicious of the death or believe there was foul play,” Dice said. “Like the fact that the CIA built a frozen poison dart gun for assassinations 40 years ago, which most Americans have no idea exists and probably wouldn’t believe it if they held it in their hand or watched the Church Hearings.”

As the official death certificate states, it is very possible the 79-year-old Scalia died of natural causes — however it’s also possible that his ultra-conservative judicial stance caused him to be murdered.

Did someone or some ONES want Scalia out-of-the-way?  Was Scalia involved in some secret society and a cover-up that made his death necessary?  Was the mafia involved? Or did an older man simply die peacefully in his sleep?

Tell us what you think?!?



OK WASSUP! covers current events.  Today’s article:
Was Supreme Court Justice Scalia murdered?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I run from conspiracy theorists like they are the plague!

    However, as highlighted in DJ's post…..

    Given all the questionable steps that were taken (and NOT taken) upon discovery that Justice Scalia had died???…it all does certainly provide more than enough fodder to feed the dark imaginations of conspiracy theorists.

    Some of it even seems a bit suspicious to me.

    But the truth is, Judge Scalia was hanging out with a secret-society of hunters at the time of his death. St. Hubertus: "a No Girls Allowed hunting society that dates back to Austria in the 1600s." And who (besides members of that group) knows what could have possibly gone wrong out there?

    Still. I will defer to his family on this and (unless I've missed their objection to how things were handled) they appear to be satisfied to simply "let sleeping dogs lie."

  2. I have a different belief from Truth. I think conspiracy happen way more than we think because most people don't believe in them. So I voted it's very possible Scalia was murdered. He was part of that secret society and they almost rushed him into the ground without checking anything, no autopsy, nothing. That by itself is fishy. I'll go along with the cop from DC and say Scalia didn't just die on his own. There's more to this than they are telling.

  3. "I think conspiracy happen way more than we think because most people don't believe in them."

    I can't say that I disagree with BD on this. In fact, I'm actually inclined to agree with him.

    And regarding how things were handled or mishandled in Justice Scalia's death I expressed "Some of it even seems a bit suspicious to me."

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