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President Obama Announces His Nominee For Supreme Court JusticeFollowing a sit-down meeting with new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) went to the Senate floor and expressed concerns about the Solicitor General’s independence from the president she serves. “She’s never had to develop the judicial habit of saying no to an administration, and we can’t simply assume that she would,” McConnell said.

The biggest problem with McConnell’s statement is consistency.  If dependence on a president was enough of a disqualifier for a Supreme Court nominee, then the Kentucky Republican would have had major objections to George W. Bush’s selection of Harriet Miers — the White House counsel whose entire career was essentially tied to Bush, a man she called the “best governor ever,” “cool,” and “the greatest!”

But when Miers was nominated, McConnell couldn’t have been more filled with praise.

“Ms. Miers has an exemplary record of service to our country,” he said after her nomination. “She will bring to the Court a lifetime of experience in various levels of government, and at the highest levels of the legal profession. She is a woman of tremendous ability and very sound judgment. …She is well qualified to join the nation’s highest court. … She will make a fine addition to the Supreme Court, and I look forward to her confirmation.”

Democrats are calling this a rather obvious double-standard.  And Jon Stewart of THE DAILY SHOW seems to agree.  Check out his take in this video around the 4:00 mark:
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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And THIS demonstrates, YET AGAIN, why many (if not most) Americans consider the Republican Party a HYPICRITICAL joke. Honestly, how does one even begin to entertain the notion of taking the Republican party seriously, given all the evidence THEY continually exhibit to the contrary??? _smh. Is it even a “national” party anymore? I don’t think so. It’s a regional collective of all kinds of ultra right-wing socio-political extremists and other related nutjobs and cognitively and intellectually CHALLENGED misfits who run the GOP as per the dictates of Rush and company. And none of this serves as "good news" for this country:(


BTW: Running a close 2nd (in terms of “the problem” with the GOP’s SUPPOSED “objection” to Kagan) is the fact that Kagan is, by all accounts, extremely intelligent and capable.Harriet Myers is neither; the GOP knew that and didn’t care. That’s how LOW the bar has dropped for Republican nominees vying for pretty much ANY position in government, including their nominees for President. I give you G. Dubya "Karl bet me $5 he could make me PreZdent and by gawd he did" Bush. Then there's John "I was a "maverick" BEFORE I wasn't a maverick" McCain. Sarah "i don't have friggin clue about anything but if somebody's willing to take me seriously and pay me $$$ to boot_I'll take it" Palin. And let's not forget Mitt "what day is it? si I'll know who I'm supposed to be today and what I'm supposed to stand for?" Romney. And how bout… Read more »

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