
Kamala vs Joe: Democratic Debate Part 2

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Part 2 of the 2nd Democratic Debate — AKA Kamala vs Joe Pt.II — took place Wednesday night at the Fox Theater in Detroit.  Was it everything it was billed to be?  You better believe it!

In what many political pundits (and even CNN) billed as ‘Kamala vs Joe Pt. II, the Wednesday night debate featured former Vice President Joe Biden, California Sen. Kamala Harris, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, and businessman Andrew Yang.

Kamala vs Joe
courtesy N. Abt

Unlike Tuesday night’s snooze-fest, the Wednesday night match-up was riveting and attention-grabbing.  Or, to use a basketball reference, Tuesday’s debate was a G-League amateur game while Wednesday’s event was more like the NBA finals.

The debate began with an elongated discussion on health care that segued into immigration, white privilege, and a thought-provoking discussion about police brutality and the Eric Garner “I Can’t Breathe” killing by a New York City police officer (who remains employed by the city to this day).  Interestingly, Sen. Gillibrand scored on both topics by discussing how she would handle explaining white privilege to her suburban white voters, and how she believes NYC Mayor De Blasio should have fired the police officer who killed Garner.

Throughout the debate, several statements and remarks were interrupted by protesters in the crowd, who were quickly removed from the auditorium and did not delay the candidates nor throw them off their presentations.

Here are the other highlights of the evening.

Kamala vs Joe
Could Biden-Harris be the best 2020 Democratic pairing to beat Trump?


For anyone who tuned in to watch a rematch of Kamala Harris vs Joe Biden, the contenders did not disappoint.  Once again, Sen. Kamala Harris lit a fire under the former vice-president, however, Biden was much more prepared this time around and did not play “Mr. Nice Guy” with the junior senator.

“Go easy on me, kid!” – Joe Biden to Kamala Harris at start of debate


While Harris continued to chide Biden on his former relationships with segregationist politicians, Biden took a few pot-shots of his own against Harris’ record while Attorney General of California — a record some say was unfavorable toward African-Americans.

Aside from Harris and Biden (the obvious stars of the evening), Sen, Cory Booker, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, and possibly Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand were the other standouts of the night.  The remaining contenders were relegated to mere set dressing and will likely have a difficult time qualifying for the next debate in September.


If Wednesday’s debate were an episode of “Showtime At The Apollo,” the number of hoots and hollers from a myriad of one-liners would have been epic.  Let’s take a look at some of the best lines of the night:

Sen. Bennet: “Mr, President, kids belong in classrooms, not cages.”

Michael Yang: “The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math.”

Sen. Inslee: “We can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the White House.”

Sen. Gillibrand: “The first thing I’m gonna do as president is Clorox the Oval Office.”

Of course, a few serious one-liners were also delivered.  They included Sen. Cory Booker saying, “The person enjoying this debate right now is Donald Trump as we pit Democrats against each other.” Another came when Mr. Biden said, “Mr. President, this is America, and we are strong and great because of this diversity [of women and minorities on the stage], not in spite of it.”


At one point in the evening, Joe Biden appeared to be beaten up and on the ropes by Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and even Julian Castro.

Booker scolded Biden for invoking Obama more than any other candidate and warned that he can’t have it both ways when it comes to immigration.

During a discussion on the criminal justice system, Mr. Biden attempted to compare his record against Cory Booker’s tenure as Mayor of Newark, NJ.  It did not go well.

“You’re dippin’ into the kool-aid and you don’t even know the flavor,” Booker said, using a common slang phrase from African-American vernacular.  The audience howled.

With that said, Cory Booker appeared to be the most focused, the most prepared, and the most presidential candidate.  So, if there was one winner for the night, he was likely it.


With memorable debate performances from both nights, it now appears clear which Democrats should continue fighting and which are not really ready for prime-time and should start to consider that it might be time to call it a campaign.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, and Kirsten Gillibrand are the current cream of the crop. As for the remaining candidates, it may be time for them to go and make room on stage for those candidates who are likely to win. If they don’t do so on their own, Democratic donors will soon start exclusively funding the top tier candidates and the others will find themselves without funding and left to falter.

Kamala vs Joe

However, make no bones about it: the true loser of the entire debate was Donald Trump.  Despite their differences, Democrats have some serious fire-power to put up against ‘The Donald’ in 2020 and certainly have enough premium candidates who can beat him and likely send him to a federal penitentiary the moment he becomes a private citizen.

September 12th & 13th, Houston, TX on ABC.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Kamala vs Joe was a riveting Democratic debate.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I am at the airport about to go out of town for the weekend. But I wanted to make sure I got my comment in before I get on the plane. DJ you are right last night debate was way better than the first night. I don’t know if it was the people debating or what but I actually paid attention to this one. You are spot on about all the takes on what happened. You also slipped in something I had to think on for a second. Could Biden and Harris be a ticket? I think they could beat Trump for sure but so could any Dem I think. Other than Buttigeig I did not really like anybody from the first night. No to Bernie Sanders and not even Warren. But Biden Harris and Corey Booker could get my vote. You are right about Castro too.


Another great summary DJ. And I agree, the exchanges last night were certainly more fiery and informative than what we witnessed from the group of candidates the night before.

Like BD, I too paid a lot more attention to this debate vs the first night and I’ve come to almost the same conclusion: Biden, Harris, Booker, Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Castro, “are the cream of the crop” (or at least the best we have to chose from).

Kirsten Gillibrand? Gonna have to Respectfully disagree with you on her. While I think she had a decent night night last night, imho I still don’t think she’s performed well enough to be considered a Top Tier candidate (and her voice annoys me- I wish it didn’t but it does).


So I want to also add……..

Honestly, I’m still Not convinced Any of our candidates can beat Trump, not even Biden (and Lord knows I hope I’m wrong)! But here’s where I’m at in my thinking……

Quite some time ago, I shared my thoughts on who I believed was the Only person who could not just beat Donald Trump..but (to echo Michael Moore) “CRUSH Donald Trump.” Michelle Obama.

And I still feel that way…only Stronger now that I’ve had opportunities to really check out Our candidates.

I know. It’s pure wishful thinking on my part. She would Never do it. But for the good of Her/Our country I surely wish she would seriously consider it!

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