On Monday, Donald Trump selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the US Supreme Court — prompting the million-dollar question: will this pick maintain the status quo or tilt the court completely to the right?
The 53-year-old Kavanaugh is a federal appellate judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. He was once a former clerk for Justice Kennedy and also worked in the George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations. With that in mind, his selection is being seen as a wink to the Washington elite and a nod to conservatives that their agenda and vision for America is safe and will be in good hands.

Justice Kennedy has historically been the swing vote on such major issues as abortion, same-sex marriage, and affirmative action. However, Kavanaugh is expected to be a reliable conservative vote who will form a right-leaning 5-person bloc with Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. That belief prompted a protest march on the steps of the Supreme Court late Monday night, as well as a host of high-profile personalities to come out in opposition to his selection.
“Now the attention turns to the United States Senate and the Senate needs to hear from you,” Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren told the gathered protesters while announcing she will not support Kavanaugh’s nomination. “Our job is to raise our voices. I know this will be hard but we didn’t get into this fight because we thought it would be easy.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders advised the crowd of protesters to be ready to challenge the nomination.
“Are you ready for a fight? Are you ready to defend Roe vs. Wade?” Sanders said. “This is a tough fight but it is a fight that we can win . . . We have the American people on our side, now we have to go state by state by state to make sure senators do what their constituents want.”
Other Kavanaugh opponents also came out in force.
“All Americans should be treated fairly and equally under law,” said Hillary Shelton, head of the NAACP’s Washington Bureau. “Brett Kavanaugh is a dangerous criminal. His disturbing views on civil rights will launch the Supreme Court to the extreme right.”
Ben Wikler, the Washington Director of the MoveOn political action committee, told the protesters, “Anyone who votes for Kavanaugh is voting to criminalize abortion and punish women.”
Local resident David Gaines said he decided to protest out of “anger and disappointment that the Supreme Court is going to be packed by a child who has no understanding of much less respect for the institution of constitutional law.” He indicated he is most concerned about Citizens United and Roe v. Wade being in jeopardy with Kavanaugh on the bench.
Senate Republicans have only a razor-thin 51-person majority. With all Democrats expected to vote NO on his confirmation, some inside the Trump administration are fearful that GOP moderates Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine may also vote NO out of concern for a justice whose confirmation would almost certainly threaten Roe v. Wade.
Will Judge Kavanaugh follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and remain the conservative yet swing vote that Justice Kennedy has reliably been? Or will Trump’s 2nd high court pick tilt the court so far right and change American lives so drastically that it will take generations to undo?
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Will Judge Kavanaugh follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and remain the conservative yet swing vote that Justice Kennedy has reliably been? Or will Trump’s 2nd high court pick tilt the court so far right and change American lives so drastically that it will take generations to undo? […] – DJ.
Looks like we’ll just have to wait and see. Admittedly, I don’t know much about Judge Kavanaugh. However, since his nomination has now officially been made I plan to read-up on his history a bit more.
I will say this – he doesn’t seem to be a virulent anti-abortionist. And frankly, I strongly feel the driving force behind Trump making this pick is Trump’s awareness of Kavanaugh’s stand on a president being investigated while in office.
3 words: He. Opposes. It. (See next response)
“Supreme Court nominee has argued presidents should not be distracted by investigations and lawsuits”
U.S. Circuit Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, a former clerk for Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy who was nominated replace him, has argued that presidents should not be distracted by civil lawsuits, criminal investigations or even questions from a prosecutor or defense attorney while in office.
Kavanaugh had direct personal experience that informed his 2009 article for the Minnesota Law Review: He helped investigate President Bill Clinton as part of independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s team and then served for five years as a close aide to President George W. Bush.
Having observed the weighty issues that can consume a president, Kavanaugh wrote, the nation’s chief executive should be exempt from “time-consuming and distracting” lawsuits and investigations, which “would ill serve the public interest, especially in times of financial or national security crisis.”
If a president were truly malevolent, Kavanaugh wrote, he could always be impeached.
Kavanaugh’s position that presidents should be free of such legal inquiries until after they leave office puts him on the record regarding a topic of intense interest to Trump — and could be a central focus of his confirmation hearing to succeed Kennedy, legal experts said. [….] WashPost, July 9, 2018
Truth this is real interesting. I never thought of this before. If Trump only picked him because he thinks presidents shouldn’t get investigated this is a problem. I hope karma blows the whole thing up in Trumps face.
Dems are right to worry though………..
Notwithstanding the fact that Kavanaugh isn’t a right-wing “flame-thrower” and he’s reportedly very good friends with Justice Elena Kagan- the truth is, Kavanaugh IS a conservative Repub and his elevation to the U.S. Supreme Court undoubtedly tilts that Court decisively to the right. What does that mean?
It’s means NO progressively-led legislation signed into law since the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (and certainly including Roe v. Wade of 1973 and the Marriage Equality Act of 2015) should be considered “Safe” from the *roll-back* chopping block.
“Elections have consequences” Pres.-elect Barack Obama, 2008
I get the feeling Kavanaugh is not the crazy type conservative. It is possible he could turn out to be almost like Kennedy but I am just not sure. There is not a lot of information about him I have seen yet. There are some judges who we know would turn back Roe v Wade in the blink of a eye but I am unsure if he is one of them. He might surprise us who knows. But it looks like Dems are ready to block him as payback for what Repubs did to Obama’s pick.
I agree BD. I don’t think he’s the “crazy type” either. But he worked in the G.W. Bush/Dick Cheney White House and considered the unjust and illegal invasion of Iraq as just and legal. That alone speaks volumes about the man for me.
Let’s hope he regrets THAT catastrophic error in judgement. And that he will demonstrate better judgement when it comes to the *Rights* so many people have sacrificed so much for ALL Americans to have.