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Kentucky Clerks Refuse Gay Marriage License

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Same-Sex Marriage –
Kentucky Clerks Refuse Gay Marriage Licenses

According to the U.S. Supreme Court, same-sex marriage is now the law of the land and is permissible in all 50 states. However, why is it that a couple of county clerks in Kentucky seem to have missed the memo?

Same-Sex Marriage

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis
Kim Davis

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses to any gays or lesbians, saying her Christian faith makes it impossible for her to permit someone to marry a member of the same-sex. In a loosely veiled attempt to avoid charges of discrimination, Davis has personally decided to suspend marriage licenses to all couples (heterosexual or homosexual) within her county until further notice.

“What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us,” Davis said. “And I, as a Christian, have strong views, too. And I know I don’t stand alone.”

Ironically, Davis has been married and divorced 3 times. Apparently, her so-called “Christian” beliefs only apply to gays and lesbians and not to her own record of multiple divorces.

Davis is not alone in her direct defiance of the law.

Kentucky Gov with Davis
Gov. Steve Beshear and Casey Davis

Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear recently gave an ultimatum to Casey County Clerk Casey Davis, threatening that Davis should either give up the marriage licenses to everyone, or give up his job! Not surprisingly, Davis also leaned on “Christian beliefs” as his alibi for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

“I advised Mr. Davis that I respect his right to his own personal beliefs regarding same-sex marriages,” Gov. Beshear said. “However, when he was elected, he took a constitutional oath to uphold the United States Constitution. According to the United States Supreme Court, the Constitution now requires that governmental officials in Kentucky and elsewhere must recognize same-sex marriages as valid and allow them to take place.”

A defiant Davis rebutted that his position has not changed, that he won’t issue licenses to same-sex couples, and that he won’t resign. He said he recognizes he could be sued or charged with official misconduct, but added, “I’m going to trust in the Lord with all my heart.”

Same-Sex Marriage
Interestingly, clerks throughout Kentucky have consulted with their county attorneys to determine if they must obey the law and comply with the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage. Gov. Beshear quickly responded to any inquiries, saying he expects the clerks “to execute the duties of their offices as prescribed by law and to issue marriage licenses to all Kentuckians.”

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway echoed the words of the governor, saying “Any clerk that refuses to issue marriage licenses is opening himself or herself to potential legal liability and sanctions.”

Same sex marriage

For those who somehow believe they can hide behind religion to legislate their own concept of morality, state law makes it very clear it is a Class A misdemeanor in Kentucky — first-degree official misconduct — if “a public servant … refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office.”

In Kentucky and around the country, same-sex marriage opponents have frequently used “Christianity” as their excuse of choice to openly discriminate. However, if these self-imposed morality police were truly concerned about Christianity, they’d also speak against those who have engaged in premarital sex, or those who have committed adultery, or even those who have divorced (yes, that means you Kim Davis). Instead, they’ve picked out 1 supposed “sin” as their target of morality, while conveniently discarding all the others.

If someone’s religious or personal beliefs stand in the way of them doing a job, then perhaps that person should go find another job. Simple. For example, if someone doesn’t believe in killing cows and chickens, perhaps they shouldn’t work at a slaughter-house.  If someone doesn’t believe in alcoholic beverages, perhaps they shouldn’t work in a distillery.  And if someone doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage, perhaps they shouldn’t work in the county clerk’s office where they must legally provide marriage licenses to everyone — black, white, gay, straight, or indifferent.



OK WASSUP! discusses same-sex marriage.  Today’s article:
Kentucky clerks refuse to issue gay marriage licenses.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. "Ironically, Davis has been married and divorced 3 times. Apparently, her so-called “Christian” beliefs only apply to gays and lesbians and not to her own record of multiple divorces."

    BINGO! …and no doubt that obvious irony…to say nothing of sheer hypocrisy…is completely lost on Davis others of her right-wing extremist socCon ilk….smh.

    The fact that those people are pretty much your typical Repub voter speaks VOLUMES as to why Trump is now effectively the *Leader* of that pathetic party.

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