Kevin McCarthy Gets Kicked Out; Who’s Next?
Kevin McCarthy has made the record books. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for reasons he would have ever wanted.
Top News Today :
On Tuesday, Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California became the very first Speaker of the House of Representatives in US history to be kicked out. What’s worse is that the ouster came from members of his own party.

The move to expel McCarthy from the Speaker’s chair was led by GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida and a small contingency of Donald Trump/MAGA Republicans who call themselves the House Freedom Caucus. The group was angry that McCarthy did not allow the government to shut down last weekend but instead, agreed to a bipartisan compromise with Democrats to keep the country running.
The group wanted massive budget cuts and refused to negotiate or compromise with Democrats or anyone who dared to disagree with them. It was their way or the highway and the now-former House Speaker ruined their temper tantrum and plans to get their way.
Congressman Gaetz led the efforts to boot Kevin McCarthy from the Speaker’s office and needed only 218 votes for the removal. The Democratic conference did not want to involve themselves in the inter-party squabble or appear to be “saving” the speaker. So, they voted as a block and chose not to support him (just as they would have done against any non-Democratic choice for speaker).
In the end, it only took 8 Republicans to vote to dismiss the embattled McCarthy and he was instantly out after a mere 269 days as Speaker of the House.
Following his ouster, a smiling but seething-mad McCarthy told his fellow Republicans that he would not run for the speaker position again. Instead, he delivered a farewell speech to his staff and reporters during a makeshift press conference.

“I may have lost this vote today, but as I walk out of this chamber I feel fortunate to have served,” McCarthy said inside the US Capitol. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Now, Republicans must decide on a new House Speaker. However, after the party chased several GOP leaders out of office in just the past decade, no one is racing to accept the job.
With that thought in mind and with a House Speaker no longer in place, Congress was forced to shut down on Tuesday evening. They intend to take the next 7 days off to figure out the next move and hopefully find someone willing to do the job so that they may resume their legislative duties.
Too bad Rep. Gaetz was only interested in the theatrics (and personal fundraising) of publicly embarrassing Kevin McCarthy by kicking him out. Too bad zero thought was put into what would happen next or who could/would be willing to seamlessly replace the now-defunct speaker.
The Republican Party has proven time again (and now, for once and for all) that they are incapable of governing. The reason is that the Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party, but a dying breed of old-school Republicans combined with MAGA followers who are secretly RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). The goal of these MAGA/RINOs has been solely to get their way and not do the will of the people.
The GOP created their own fate when they ignored Donald Trump back in 2016 and foolishly believed they could control him. They were also exceptionally ignorant to ignore his growing followers and to allow Trump and the MAGA fanatics a way back in following their 2021 Capitol Hill insurrection.
In short, the GOP could have saved their party (and possibly McCarthy’s job) if they only had the gumption to stand up to the MAGA movement when they had the chance. Sadly, it’s too late now.

Republicans made their bed and now they must lie in it. Kevin McCarthy made a deal with the devil to win the House Speaker gavel he coveted, but the “devil” turned on him. Now, Congress is closed because Republicans kicked McCarthy out of the driver’s seat without having a ready, willing, and capable person to replace him.
Yes, this is the political end of the line for Kevin McCarthy. How much longer before it’s the end of the line for the entire GOP is anyone’s guess.
Historically, the House tried but failed to remove its speaker back in the early 1900s. Additionally, former House Speakers — including Republicans John Boehner and Paul Ryan — each resigned before they could be removed. Both men left politics behind after realizing they couldn’t lead the unleadable members of their own party and couldn’t contain Donald Trump.
The Republican Party can’t get their own house in order, so how will they ever get the “people’s” House in order?
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Kevin McCarthy is kicked out as House Speaker.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said in a tweet tonight that former President Donald Trump is the only speaker candidate she’s “currently supporting.”
“We can make him Speaker and then elect him President!” she wrote.
Earlier today, Rep. Troy E. Nehls, R-Texas, said he plans to nominate Trump for speaker.
The speaker of the House does not need to be a member of Congress.
I forgot they can choose anybody. It does not have to be a member of congress already. If Repubs do choose Trump God help us all.
The Republican party today is the natural end tentacles of a strategy put into motion by Evil leaders of that party over 50 yrs ago, as a backlash to the Civil Rights Movement, Equal Rights and Voting Rights protections signed into law by Pres. Lyndon. B. Johnson during the mid to late 60s.
The Southern Strategy.
For a long time that white racist strategy worked for the Republican party. But it was always doomed to eventually fail the Repubs and eat them Alive. It was just a matter of time!
If this is what is going on they are getting eaten alive now. Because Trump and everything he stands for is about to kill off the Repub party.
The Southern Strategy attracted ALL of the wrong kinds of people to the Republican party. And dare I say, those people had made up a huge chunk of the Democtrat party. Mostly Southern White racists, the “religious right” and morons a plenty.
Repub leaders were cynical and craven. They wanted votes by any means necessary so they tailored their insidious message to appeal to the dregs of our society.Incredibly stupid Repub leaders believed they would always be able to control the Human trash they attracted – while also selling their Souls to BIG business.
From Nixon to Reagan to Lee Atwater and George H. W. Bush to Newt, Tom DeLay Karl Rove and G. “dubya” Bush – all of them and more helped paved the way for the likes of Trump and the MAGATS, McCarthy, Gaetz, MTG, Boebert and others of that despicable and dangerous ilk to take over that party.
ALL of this is the end results of that strategy!
And if I may throw just one more snake into the snake-pit of Who and What has brought our country to this troubling and most embarrassing point in Our nation’s history:
The American (so-called) “News” Media.
I would gladly send most of them to prison too!
I have to admit I really like watching the Repubs fall apart like they are. Everything that is happening they brought upon themselves.
Another thing too if you think about it, everything Trump touches or gets involved with fails. The my pillow guy is going bankrupt, Giuliani is broke now too. McCarthy made all those deals with the Trump people and they turned on him already. Repubs are embarrassed and their party is falling apart. Trump put his hand in it and everything turn to crap.
“Another thing too if you think about it, Everything Trump touches or gets involved with….Fails.”
And let the Church say…AMEN!