Golf + Trump = Good. Golf + Obama = Bad

Politics –
Golf + Trump = Good.
Golf + Obama = Bad
When Barack Obama was President of the United States, golf was frowned upon and considered an extreme “no-no” for him. So, why is it now totally acceptable for Donald Trump?
It may come as no surprise, but no President in the history of the United States has ever golfed more per week than Donald Trump. In fact, during his first 12 weeks in office, Trump has spent nearly every weekend away from Washington taking a staggering 18 golf course trips. Not only is that more golf trips than it is weeks, but it’s also unprecedented. In comparison, President Obama didn’t visit a single golf course during his first 12 weeks in office. However, by the end of 2017, Donald Trump is well on his way to golfing more than President Obama ever did during his entire presidency!
All this from a man who not only chastised President Obama for ever leaving The White House for ANY sort of entertainment, but also vowed that he would be too busy working for the American people to EVER golf.
While on the outside looking in, Donald Trump and various conservative pundits spent a great deal of time obsessing over President Obama’s limited golf trips or dates with his wife. Throughout the campaign, Trump frequently complained about Mr. Obama, pledging, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.”  Yeah, right, Donald.
Throughout the Obama administration, conservatives were quick to pounce on him for daring to even look at a golf club.
For example, in 2013 Sean Hannity tweeted, “Glad our arrogant Pres. is enjoying his taxpayer funded golf outing after announcing the US should take military action against Syria.”
Just a few months earlier, Newt Gingrich tweeted, “Trump and president obsma (sic) both golf but trump doesn’t charge the taxpayers $920,000 for a golf weekend in florida.”
Oh, really?
Despite those conservative claims, now it is Trump who is enjoying taxpayer-funded golf outings during military actions. Now it is Trump who is charging taxpayers more than $920,000 per golf outing every time he jets off to Florida for a weekend at Mar-a-Lago, AKA “The Southern White House.”
However, where is the conservative criticism now? Â Where is Newt or Hannity now??
Let’s go a step further. Â What about Melania Trump continuing to live at Trump Tower in New York City instead of at The White House, at an additional cost to taxpayers of nearly $1 million dollars per week? What if Michelle Obama had demanded to live in a penthouse in midtown Manhattan while President Obama lived in the White House alone? The outrage would have been riotous. However, conservatives no longer care.
Yes, those same conservatives have gone silent now. Their silence makes it crystal clear that they never hated seeing a president spend time and money playing golf. No. A golfing president never disgusted them. What disgusted them was a golfing BLACK president and not the “Great White Hope” known as Donald Trump.
As for the POTUS living in one city and the First Lady living in another, well, that’s just Donald.
Yeah, right!
What does white male privilege look like in this country?Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It’s learned that she has deep ties to Putin. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing, then names Chelsea’s husband her chief advisor. She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua. Then, Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in a resort. The outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.
Let’s face it, if Hillary — or any woman candidate had five children from three husbands, she would never have survived the primary!
The ignorance and blaring hypocrisy of 45 sickens me! The co-signing by the Republicans makes me see red, no pun intended! I've said it before and it's worth repeating, Republicans are a bunch of bullies and have always been!! 45 being the ABSOLUTE worst of them!
Uh oh DJ you have gone and done it now. Why are you starting the day telling all this truth? LOL yes you hit the nail on the head. Trump is getting away with so many things Obama could have never got away with. Not even Hillary and you showed in your example at the end. Like Dorna Robinson said the hypocrisy is hard to watch but as long as he's white then he is alright.
"Trump and various conservative pundits spent a great deal of time obsessing over President Obama"….and ALL things related to Pres. Obama, from birth to Harvard to being elected the first African-American president in U.S. history.
Clearly Pres. Obama's numerous accomplishments have turned the entire world view of his enemies on its head-particularly regarding the "Blacks are inferior to Whites" BS narrative that's been woven into the fabric of America (via White-American history) since at least 1640 when "the Virginia courts sentenced one of the first Black indentured servants to slavery. John Casor" – Berkeley University, "The History of Slavery"
Link: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~arihuang/academic/a…
Just the thought of an incredibly accomplished Black man, such as Obama, has literally driven some of his enemies to near insanity. Just look at that fool in the White house – he obsesses over Obama even MORE now than he did before. He cannot get Obama out of his head.
And it's because Trump, and others, know d*mn well Obama is more….so much more….than they could ever be. That is especially true when it comes to Trump.
Now…..about the double-standard and OBVIOUS hypocrisy:
We all know that that isn't unique to Pres. Obama. In fact, when haven't WE (Blacks) been held to a double-standard in this coutry!?!
Btw- here's the deal from my observations……
Most Trump supporters AIN'T in love with Trump (SEE numerous pics of a mostly ABSENT crowd on his inauguration day). Trump supporters just HATE Obama more because he dared to be born in this country and then he dared to succeed beyond THEIR wildest dreams.
Added to that- a lot of White Americans genuinely FEAR the fact that – in the not so distant future- America is on track to become a "majority-minority nation" with Blacks and Brown and Asians collectively making up the largest population.
Re: Their treatment of Hillary
They hate Hillary because she's a smart, strong and capable Woman. AND most of all…because she stuck by Pres. Obama.
Fri. April 28th….(on a Trump-related side-note)………….
"Trump Says He Thought Being President Would Be Easier Than His Old Life"
He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.
President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.
“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”
Trump assumed public office for the first time when he entered the White House on Jan. 20 after he defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an upset. […] – Reuters
H/T: HuffPost
HAH. Sometimes you really do have to laugh (a little) just to keep from crying because THIS pitiful admission only confirms what millions of Us have known all along – that Trump is indeed in WAAAAY over his head. And he has NOT a friggin clue as to how to free himself from this nightmare..
Millions of Us have also known this……
On election night no one…and I do mean NO ONE..was more surprised than Trump that he had actually won. That surely was NOT his actual expectation NOR his actual desire.
In fact, check out pics of Trump and his family taken on election night. Look real close at their individual faces. The "OH SH*T!" look behind their fake smiles is, IMO, clearly visible..
The truth is, he never wanted this. His family never wanted this. But they're all stuck with it now. And with the realization that his fake presidency is only 100 days into it, he's forced to come to grips with REALITY. The job of president is incredibly HARD.
In light of that realization, it's no wonder he's publicly admitting he longs for a return to his "previous life."
Of course that also reminds Us of this Truth…….
We're ALL stuck with this poor fool as he plays president until which time he leaves office…whether he's voted out or decides to quit (voluntarily or to avoid impeachment).