Hey, Donald Trump… about your just-concluded summit with Kim Jong-Un… there’s something you should know: YOU GOT SERVED!
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Before traveling to Singapore to meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, Donald Trump bragged that he didn’t need to do any advanced preparation or homework because he had the unique ability to walk into a room and instantly size someone up. Welp, sorry Donald, but that’s just not accurate.
On Tuesday, Trump and Kim Jong-Un met face to face for a matter of a few hours and, in that very short amount of time, Kim pickpocketed Trump then took him to the cleaners without him ever knowing it. Or, to put it another way, the downright mugging was about as thorough as the one by “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”
The purpose or timing of the meeting between the 2 men never made any logical sense. However, both Trump and Kim each had their own set of agendas on why they wanted/needed a meeting to happen.
Since it became a nation in 1948, every North Korean leader has always coveted a meeting, a photo-op, and to be seen on equal footing with the leader of the US. So, for Kim Jong-Un to pull it all off after decades of attempts was a major coop on his part.
As for Donald Trump, he is an attention-addict whose ego constantly needs to be fed. He’s also been hell-bent on doing something, ANYTHING, to best Barack Obama. At least in his own mind, this meeting was a major coop on his part.
So, why was the event a Grand Slam for Kim Jong-Un and an epic fail for America??
– USA Today
The so-called “agreement” signed by Trump and Kim was high on pomp and circumstance and low on details, facts, or anything even remotely binding.
Donald Trump agreed to:
- Begin halting crippling economic sanctions against North Korea
- End military exercises along the North/South Korea border (taking The Pentagon and South Korea by surprise)
- Cease treating Kim Jong-Un as a brutal dictator and look to him as a legitimate world leader.
- Invite Kim to attend an official state visit at The White House
Kim Jong-Un agreed to:
- Maybe “think about” dismantling his nuclear weapons program over the next 15-20 years
Trump got to have his “Made For TV” party without a single something of substance to celebrate.
Kim got the photo-op with a sitting US president his nation has craved since its inception; he got the equal recognition as a legitimate leader on the world stage his nation has craved since its inception; he got to keep all of his nuclear weapons for the immediate future and a potential 20-year span to pretend he’s doing something to disarm them; he got to table any and all discussions regarding human rights for the people of North Korea and for the very subject to be completely ignored; and, he got the US to agree to end the tense military exercises they’ve regularly conducted with South Korea along the demilitarized zone — a show of might he and his nation have always hated.
For Kim Jong-Un, the couple of hours he gave up to attend the so-called “summit” turned out to be a SLAM DUNK!
For Donald Trump, YOU GOT SERVED!
Great post DJ. You’ve called it exactly right. And the factual breakdown of the so-called “Agreement” is spot on.
So THIS is what you get when your country elects to the highest office in the land…nay the world…a flaming narcissist, w/the IQ if Fredo Corleon, and a blind hatred for the first Afri-Amer president in U.S. history. Add to those Trumpian qualities, corrupt, serial lying, Fake alpha male and there you have it – the current occupant of the oval office. Donald J. Trump.
Kim Jong Un probably still can’t believe how easy it was/IS to play Trump. I’m sure China and other Asian leaders have taken notice.
Btw-I figured out what “MAGA” actually stands for- “Make ASIA Great Again.”