Comments on: THE KING’S CROWN IS TARNISHED News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Mon, 12 Jul 2010 19:19:24 +0000 jesse jackson is sayin cavs owner is treatin lebron like a runaway slave and he is massa

By: Truthiz Mon, 12 Jul 2010 17:05:35 +0000 Oh boy DJ…I must be a glutton for punishment going up against you and BD 🙂 But okay_here I go. I’m pretty sure BY NOW LeBron knows the circus he put on (with more than a little help from the sports media) certainly was NOT worth it. He knows he “dropped his candy in the dirt” in mishandling his transition from the Cavs to the Heat.Some folks feeling intense anger? I understand. Feeling frustrated? I understand. Feeling disappointed, disgusted and even disrespected? I understand.But "Hate"_??? No. I do NOT understand. He killed no one. He raped no one. He stole from no one. He maimed no one. He threatened no one.He made a business decision about His life but carried it out VERY poorly! Should he have expected that his life and home could possibly be at risk because of THAT..??? Reeally??!

By: BD Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:45:46 +0000 Wow! You made a slam dunk with this story. Almost took the words right out of my mouth. A lot of people are focused on its his choice to go wherever he wants but forgetting how he went about doing it.The NBA is going to have to consider the colusion aspect of those three and if creating super teams is good for the sport. What will happen to the small market teams if all the major players scheme to double and triple up on the large market teams.
