Current Events

‘KISS MY A$$!!!’

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Mitt Romney is batting 3 for 3 and is on a roll in his trip overseas.

On Friday, Mitt insulted the Brits by questioning if they were at all ready to host the 2012 Olympic Games.  Then on Monday, he insulted the Palestinians and their culture by taking sides and further inflaming the situation with Israel in Jerusalem.  Then yesterday, his senior press aide got into a verbal altercation with members of the press corps while Romney visited a holy site in Poland.

Members of the traveling press tried to ask Romney about his trip and if the goals he had set for it had been met. “Gov. Romney, do you feel that your gaffes have overshadowed your foreign trip?” one reporter yelled at the candidate, while another asked if he had a statement for Palestinians who were offended by his suggestion in Israel that the Jewish culture is superior.

But that is when press aide Rick Gorka lost his cool.

“Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people,” he barked to reporters. “Show some respect.” He then told another reporter to “shove it.”

So once again, way to go, Mitt!  You wanted to prove you were presidential, you wanted to show your foreign policy shrewdness overseas and you also wanted to make this trip memorable.  Oh well… 1 out of 3 goals have been met!




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Lol. Yes indeed. Ole Mitt and his campaign crew can't seem to rise above the *AMATUERS* level. In fact, given the fiasco of his overseas trip, the phrase "NOT ready for Prime Time" comes to mind. As per the European press, the general perception of Romney among most Europeans is that Mitt is actually "WORSE" than G. Dubya!Honestly, I'm embarrassed for Romney and the Repubs even if they don't have enough sense (or integrity) to be embarrassed for themselves..smh.  

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