How up-to-date are your kitchen gadgets?
Technology :
Technology has come a long way, especially in the kitchen. After all, the devices our mothers and grandmothers had at their disposal in the kitchen are considered downright archaic today.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and check out 10 of the top old cooking contraptions our ancestors relied upon from yesteryear.

OK WASSUP! discusses Technology:
Kitchen gadgets our ancestors used to use.
Lol…Okay, I remember the Toaster, Hand-mixer and Flour-Sugar-Tea canisters. Those things were staples in my house when I was growing up.
Btw DJ, I love these periodic trips down memory lane! 🙂
Thank you, Truthiz1. I like to provide a bit of brevity on Fridays to launch the weekend whenever possible. I’m glad you’re enjoying these memorable posts.