Current Events

KKK Says ‘Happy Nig*er Month’

Spread The Love

February 4, 2015

current events racism Fox News
UPDATE:  In a show of solidarity, art students at the South Pointe High School have now painted over the racially repulsive message with the words “WE ARE ALL PEACE,” using the peace sign for unity.

If anyone is under the foolish belief that racism is dead, the Ku Klux Klan just reminded us that it is still very much alive and kicking.

Current Events
A South Carolina high school was the target of a racially charged message on Sunday, when a large rock in front of the school was spray-painted with the slur “Happy Nig*er Month.”

The graffiti in front of South Pointe High School in Rock Hill was signed “KKK,” and was apparently done to mock February’s commencement of Black History Month.

“It was discovered yesterday morning, and since then, it’s been eradicated,” a school staffer said on Monday. “People are still calling because it was posted. Whoever did it, took a picture.”

No one is clear if the message was actually left by the KKK or if it was a childish prank.  Still, the message proves that both racism AND ignorance are still very prevalent. 

OK WASSUP! covers current events of the day, including a 
racially charged message left at a SC high school signed “KKK.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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