
Kushner Conflict, Controversy, And Security Clearance

- Has he been compromised?

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He’s Donald Trump’s son-in-law.  He’s also Trump’s senior advisor and “right-hand man,” having been named “Czar” of almost everything.  So, now that he’s lost his all-access US security clearance, could this be the beginning of the end for Jared Kushner?

The news this week was a double-whammy for the Trump White House. First, Chief-Of-Staff John Kelly downgraded the top-secret security clearance for Kushner, amid questions in Washington that he and other top administration officials are seen as junior varsity players who are grossly underqualified to access America’s most sensitive intelligence data.  Then, The Washington Post published a shocking report that at least 4 countries have actively considered how to use Kushner’s inadequate experience, financial troubles, and complex business arrangements to manipulate him.

By manipulating Jared Kushner (a Trump family member), rogue governments could then very easily manipulate Donald Trump. By manipulating Donald Trump, rogue governments could then very easily manipulate US foreign policy and American democracy.  See the connection?

Russian Trump PUPPET Michael Flynn Kushner

The Kushner report precedes a new investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Trump’s business dealings with Russia prior to his 2016 presidential campaign — an investigation CNN is calling a potentially significant development.

Donald Trump has surrounded himself with members of his own family to serve as his top and most trusted advisers, as if he’s running a neighborhood real estate agency instead of the most powerful nation on the planet. However, these family members have ZERO government experience on a world stage among foreign leaders who know how to play hardball and get what they want. Or, to say that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are in heavily over their heads would be a huge understatement. In fact, since Trump himself also has ZERO government experience, the whole lot of them are in over their heads and akin to 3 blind passengers attempting to fly a jumbo jet.

Needless to say, the 37-year-old Kushner is as angry as a hound dog and has declared an all-out war against John Kelly for yanking his coveted credentials. However, Kelly should be the least of his worries. The person Kushner should be most concerned with is Robert Mueller.

Robert Mueller, Jared Kushner, Gen. John Kelly

The Mueller investigation into the Trump clan appears to be following a delicate yet intricate strategy: knock out a few bricks from the bottom and the entire house will come crumbling down. He has gone after Robert Gates, Paul Manafort, and now, Jared Kushner, among others. Common sense dictates that when the heat gets too hot, one (or more) of them will crack and then the Mueller investigation will be a grand slam.

For John Kelly (a 4-star military general) to revoke the security clearance of Jared Kushner and block him from knowing US espionage data, secret military deployments, and more, it’s safe to say that the decision was dire and done now out of urgency.  Could it be that Kushner has been (or was soon about to be) secretly compromised?

When all is said and done and America learns the complete story of just how much of a puppet Trump, Kushner, and their entire crooked clan has been under the strings of Russia and possibly other foreign enemies of the state, we will rue the day we elevated a reality television show con man into the role of Commander-In-Chief, controller of the nuclear codes, and holder of our lives in the palms of his (very tiny) hands.

OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Jared Kushner loses security clearance. Was he compromised?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. “Could it be that Kushner has been (or was soon about to be) secretly compromised?”

    Um….Yes and…..Yes.

    CNN: “Officials from four countries discussed exploiting Jared Kushner”

    Washington (CNN) Officials from at least four countries have discussed ways they could use Jared Kushner’s intricate business arrangements, lack of experience and financial woes to manipulate President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

    The paper reported that it is unclear, based on current and former US officials familiar with intelligence reports on the matter, that the countries — – Mexico, Israel, China and the United Arab Emirates — acted on the conversations.

    The revelation is the latest in a series that call into question Kushner’s ability to work in the White House given his complex business ties. […]

    “Kushner’s overseas contacts raise concerns as foreign officials seek leverage” […] – WashPost

  2. Of course the obvious irony in all madness -and a quite disturbing fact – is that Trump himself couldn’t pass a national security background check if his life depended on it.

    Which begs the question – how is it that in the U.S. a person who can’t even pass a national security background check is allowed to run for political office at ANY level? …AND allowed to become president?!

    1. Good question Truth. As far as I’m concerned none of them should be in there trying to run anything. But I don’t think we have long to wait. Mueller is picking pieces apart and about to make everybody implode on each other. Then we can get rid of Trump and Kushner and the whole group.

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