Trainwreck Trump Holds Horrific News Conference

Politics –
Trainwreck Trump Holds
Horrific News Conference
On Thursday, Donald “Trainwreck” Trump conducted a press conference from the East Room of The White House that was a doozy. In fact, to call it anything short of a total trainwreck would be an understatement.
During the hour and a half question-and-answer fest, Trainwreck Trump again took on the media and what he calls “fake news.” He painted himself as the victim and whined about how everyone is always so unfair to him. He ignored all questions about Russia, and bumbled over explaining why he believes he won the most electoral votes in US election history (he didn’t). He even told a black reporter to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus since…well, you know…because they’re all black so surely they must all know each other (they don’t).
Trainwreck was so bad, even Fox News gave him a verbal ass-whipping for such an horrific performance from the supposed leader of the free world.
In case you missed it, take a look at the highlights of Trump’s TV meltdown, as well as Fox News’ surprise response.
Yes indeed. It was most certainly a colossal "Trainwreck."
But isn't that exactly what they guy is? A two-legged, human Trainwreck!
In fact, that press conference was SO bad that reportedly after seeing it:
Robert Harward, a "well-respected retired admiral and U.S. Navy SEAL" said "No Thanks" to Trump's offer to become his National Security Adviser. (Readers will recall, Flynn held that job for all of about 3 weeks until he was recently fired).
A friend of Harward’s told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the retired admiral called the offer to calm such a restive operation a “sh*t sandwich.” – The Daily Beast
TAC Reader:
Trump was right when he said on the campaign trail that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and his die-hard supporters would still vote for him. They’d see it as a sign of strength.
If you could watch that performance and still think he’s presidential as opposed to some whiny little narcissist setting himself up as a victim of the media (waah–they’re so mean to me), then G-d bless you. I have a spot in Trump University to sell you. It’s no sign of strength to keep bringing up his less-than-stellar electoral college victory for the umpteenth time, then when he got called on lying about it, pass the blame for the lie to someone else. It’s no sign of strength to keep harping on how unfairly the press treats him. Or to keep rehashing his conflicts with Hillary Clinton. The election is over. Dude needs to man up and stop blaming everyone else for his problems. But he won’t because taking responsibility for his actions isn’t in his DNA.
And Reagan– definitely smarter than Trump with his limited vocabulary and total lack of intellectual curiosity. I was no fan of Reagan, but at least he could string together a coherent sentence without using “very” every other word and could read something longer than a paragraph. Trump can’t. […]
TAC Reader:
So the conservatives on this commbox are willing to give power to a man who is a megalomaniac perfectly capable of ripping the Constitution to shreds, just because he hates the same people you do? Fine ‘patriots’ you are. Trump is going to get to meet his nemesis, and the backlash against him will bury conservative politics for a generation. […]
TAC Reader:
Americans who think this personality strikes fear into the hearts and minds of our external enemies don’t realize what a great free gift that personality is to those enemies. […]