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On the eve of the all important Arizona and Michigan Republican primaries, the GOP couldn’t be any more chaotic and running scared.

Polls have been up.  Polls have been down.  Rick Santorum had been in the lead, then Mitt Romney took the lead, then it went back to Santorum.  The dizzying see-saw has continued, much to the delight of Democrats and to the chagrin of Republicans, who see their chances of regaining the White House dwindling from slim to none.

Last week, OK WASSUP! reported how difficult it would be for any new GOP contender to enter the race and try to save the party from itself at this late date.  But desperate times call for desperate measures and Republicans seem to be preparing for a doomsday scenario.  At this point, they have nothing left to lose.

The Republican establishment has slowly but surely resigned itself to the bleak but obvious conclusion that none of the remaining 4 candidates have a chance in hell of beating President Obama in November.  With that in mind, a secret back room deal is said to be in the works to try and find a brave Republican to jump into a virtual suicide mission and run for the presidency at this 11th hour. According to former RNC chairman Haley Barbour: “In our party it is an advantage to be more conservative, but at the end of the day I think most Republicans want somebody who can beat Barack Obama. And nobody in my opinion has made that case to the Republican voters yet – Romney, Santorum, Paul or Gingrich. I don’t think any of them has made the case that ‘I am the guy who has the best chance to beat Obama.'”

Republicans want Barack Obama out of the White House more than they want their next breath.  But desires don’t often translate into reality.  So, what’s the next move?

Jeb Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie both want to be president in their lifetime, but both seem smart enough to realize this is just not their time.  Sarah Palin desperately wants to be president and has even gone on record as saying she wouldn’t mind a brokered Republican convention (her only ticket to the nomination).  But even some Republicans may prefer Barack Obama than the polarizing Sarah Palin.

Needless to say, the options are limited and the risks are high.  So again, what’s the next move?

TODAY’S QUESTION:  Is there any Republican who could successfully jump into the race at this late date?
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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<span>"Is there any Republican who could successfully jump into the race at this late date?"   Lol. NO.   And you're right DJ, many Repubs (certainly among the elites) have already written off the Presidential election this year. SEE: Politico. </span><span></span><span>"[M]any Republicans are already looking past 2012"   If either Romney or Santorum gains the nomination and then falls before Obama, flubbing an election that just months ago seemed eminently winnable, it will unleash a GOP apocalypse on November 7 — followed by an epic struggle between the regulars and red-hots to refashion the party. And make no mistake: A loss is what the GOP’s political class now expects. ‘Six months before this thing got going, every Republican I know was saying, “We’re gonna win, we’re gonna beat Obama,”’ says former Reagan strategist Ed Rollins. ‘Now even those who’ve endorsed Romney say, “My God, what [an effing] mess.”’   […] </span><span></span><span>Read: </span><span></span><span></span><span>But as is also painfully obvious to EVERYBODY… Read more »


<span>Taegan Goddard's Political Wire: "The Republican Break-Up"   PW Commenter:  I can't understand why they ever thought beating Obama would be so easy.   First, it's always tough to beat an incumbent.  Second, Obama is a good pol with a lot of accomplishments.  Third, Republicans grew more and more extreme to placate the teabaggers.  Fourth, taking over the House showed people how they would govern.  Fifth, all of their candidates suck! […]</span><span></span><span>PW Commenter: </span><span></span><span>Exactly what I was thinking, for all the reasons you mentioned.   There's also this:  Republican voters have been living in an alternate universe where Obama is the Anti-Christ, eats barbecued babies for breakfast with a side of sautéed fetuses and plots the downfall of everything good, decent and truly American from his Moorish stronghold in Kenya.  Living in Oklahoma, I get to see and hear this over-the-top vitriol…and there's no arguing with the people who think that.   Obama was… Read more »


DJ:On the eve of the all important Arizona and Michigan Republican primaries, the GOP couldn't be any more chaotic and running scared.Polls have been up.  Polls have been down. […]EXACTLY. And that's why I find the majority of polls_especially Gallup, Rasmussen and Zogby_to be MEANINGLESS. They tend to be all over the map more often than not and as such I find them to be little more than tools for the news media to manufacture and peddle a HYPED narrative. In 2008, I sat back and watched those 3 polling organizations (in particular) PLAY the American people AND the McCain campaign for fools. It really was disgusting.


<span>Jonathan Chait: "2012 Or Never"  </span><span></span><span>Republicans are worried this election could be their last chance to stop history. This is fear talking. But not paranoia.   Excerpt: </span><span></span><span>The GOP has reason to be scared. Obama’s election was the vindication of a prediction made several years before by journalist John Judis and political scientist Ruy Teixeira in their 2002 book, The Emerging Democratic Majority. Despite the fact that George W. Bush then occupied the White House, Judis and Teixeira argued that demographic and political trends were converging in such a way as to form a ­natural-majority coalition for Democrats. </span><span></span><span>The Republican Party had increasingly found itself confined to white voters, especially those lacking a college degree and rural whites who, as Obama awkwardly put it in 2008, tend to “cling to guns or religion.” Meanwhile, the Democrats had ­increased their standing among whites with graduate degrees, particularly the growing share of secular whites, and remained dominant… Read more »


Truth you are telling the truth here. The Repubs are in a lotta trouble but are last to know it. Theres a big arse whooping coming then the party is gonna have to remake itself. LOL This is better than going to the movies.

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