Comments on: LATINOS FUTURE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:18:23 +0000 @Beth- Oh I see. Thanks for responding!

By: Beth Stanton Wed, 06 Jan 2010 12:32:03 +0000 To answer Truthiz, many of our older members either moved away or passed away. So attendance dropped off which led to strapped funding. It simply cost too much to continue heating and maintaining our building with the membership left.And to James Alexander, I'm not sure what you mean when you say my church should "get it together." The Catholic church and faith as a whole has always been together. This new church just needs to realize this is America and stop trying to make it little Mexico.

By: James Alexander Tue, 05 Jan 2010 22:47:16 +0000 Hmmm…That's NOT difficult situation…Well it is the sign of the times…Mexican & Spanish speaking people want to worship, among other nationalities…why not have an interpreter in the house. I visited a Methodist church that does that. It worked. Everyone got the message and you can see people looking at each other and nodding in agreement, and laughing and you could feel the spirit of the Lord in the house. It was quite moving. Before service began the congregation is encouraged to meet and greet so that at least your shaking peoples hands and showing that there's love in the room. We're all serving the same God. The Catholic church needs to get it together.

By: Truthiz Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:57:16 +0000 "Due to the times, my parish had to close up shop at our old location and consolidate with the local Mexican and Latin parish nearby." @Beth- If I may ask: Does that mean that the decision to consolidate with the "local Mexican and Latin parish" was due to lack of funds but attendance was still strong? Or did attendance slack off significantly (which would've also had a financial impact)?

By: Frisco415 Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:09:02 +0000 My partner is from Honduras and we're both Catholic. Our church in San Francisco is a perfect mixture of all races and everyone gets along fine. I just think the lady above has more of a race problem than she knows.
