
Laugh Track Added To Trump’s Lies

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WOW!! What a week! We laughed at his Georgia mugshot on Thursday, as well as his lying and whining and complaining over the years. However, what would it be like if Donald Trump’s words were underscored by an actual laugh track?

Entertainment :
Leave it to The Lincoln Project to do just that by adding canned laughter to some of Trump’s most pathetic and unmemorable moments playing the victim.

laugh track

Check it out in the video below. It makes a Trump speech bearable and actually kind of entertaining.


OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment:
Laugh track makes a Trump speech watchable.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. At the risk of being the skunk at the party….

    I think the Lincoln Project lost its way this time!

    The craven decision by the American news industry to profit from making Trump’s dangerous talk “bearable” and “entertaining” is what helped unleash all the He’ll we’ve been dealing with since Obama was elected President.


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