Comments on: Lawsuit Taints Jackson Legacy News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Thu, 09 May 2013 16:47:10 +0000 That's real sad but its the price of fame I guess.

But I'm real sick about all these details coming out about Michael now that he's gone and can't defend himself. Plus, for all these money hungry leaches too, like his family and Wade Robeson. No way he denied it all these years now suddenly remembers it. Stevie Wonder can see he's just looking for a pay day. Please let Michael rest in peace everybody!

By: Truthizz Thu, 09 May 2013 12:04:24 +0000 Re: Wade Robson's claim that he was molested by MJ

The truth is I never bought Robson's repeated denials. Frankly, I have always believed that MJ engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior with lots of young vulnerable boys.


Given that Robson has spent YEARS (as an ADULT) denying the he was ever molested by MJ (even uder Oath as DJ points out) I really do hope that his case is thrown out with a quickness.

By: Truthizz Thu, 09 May 2013 11:48:01 +0000 Silly me. After MJ's death, I actually thought that maybe, Just. Maybe…the sad drama I call "The Rise and Fall of MJ and the Jackson Family" would finally come to an end..smh.

I remember the sorrowful words of Jackie Jackson during a Barbara Walters Special (in the early or mid-90s) when she put the question to him and Tito and Marlon. She asked (paraphrasing): As you look back on your life is there anything you wish you could go back and change"?

Jackie's eyes began to tear up as he answered (paraphrasing): I wish we could back to our childhood, happy, living in Gary Indiana…and that there never was a Jackson 5. Tito and Marlon's eyes began to water as they nodded in agreement.

Just an incredibly sad and tragic story.
