Is Donald Trump a legitimate Christian or a two-bit con man?
Entertainment :
Despite his multiple marriages, adulterous affairs, lying, cheating, and otherwise sinning ways, Christians and Evangelicals are strangely enthralled with Donald Trump. But, why?
By now, we’ve all seen video of ‘The Donald’ hawking bibles he merged with the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights for $60 bucks a pop. Granted, some say no REAL Christian would ever pull such a stunt. However, Trump may have topped his con-man ways earlier this week.

On Easter Sunday, Twitter/X was all abuzz over a video of Trump surrounded by a group of Christians who were reciting The Lord’s Prayer. However, with no teleprompter in sight, Trump was left to his own devices to deliver the sacred words from memory — and he failed miserably.
Almost immediately, Trump began uncomfortably shifting from side to side. He could only speak a few words of the prayer at a time before mumbling or stopping speaking altogether. In short, it was clear he had NO idea what he was saying. And, this is the man Evangelicals have anointed as their king of kings and legitimate Christian??
Fortunately, the entire Trump-fail was captured on video. Check it out below.
Trump attempts to say The Lord’s Prayer without a teleprompter. pic.twitter.com/6M7YsfnoaO
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) March 31, 2024
OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment:
Is Donald Trump a legitimate Christian?
“When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” – Sinclair Lewis (credited but not certain)
And of course Trump is just the kind of sociopathic charlatan to lead such a neo Fake Christian and mostly White nationalist, Fascist wannabe crowd. People who are mostly dimwitted, extremely Fearful and mental, needing “scapegoats” to justify the fact that they’re simply Losers.
Which also makes them dangerous! 😔
The damage done to True Christianity by this “Two-bit con man” and (mostly) White “evangelical” voters is incalculable!
Today, young people, in particular, are running away from any kind of religion (especially Christianity) as far and as fast as they can because of the FAKE Christian madness they’ve witnessed in America for what…at least the last 25 or 30 yrs!
Trump is just a stand-in for the FAKE Christian leader white American neo-Fascists and racists were looking for. He’s not actually leading them. They leading him.
How are so called Christians fooled by this con man? If the anti christ came they would not even recognize him.