Current Events
Making Daytime TV rounds from THE TYRA BANKS SHOW to THE EARLY SHOW on CBS, Levi Johnston, the former boyfriend of Bristol Palin and current “baby daddy” to love child Tripp, spilled a few close-kept secrets regarding his relationship with Bristol Palin — and let’s just say that “Grandma Sarah” and family was not at all amused.
The teenage Levi said he actually lived in Sarah Palin’s household for a while (a claim she denies), and during that time he and Bristol often had sex under the Palin family roof, that Sarah Palin was very aware of it, and that he and Bristol obviously did not always practice safe sex. Now the teen dad says things have changed and the Palin’s make him feel like an outcast, a far cry from the days when then VP candidate Sarah Palin rolled Levi out to the Republican convention as her “future son-in-law.” Johnston said his reasons for going public are because he’s tired of all the rumors surrounding his name and because the Palin’s have prevented him from spending time with his son and “doesn’t want me around, I don’t think.” Sarah Palin and her clan were livid at Johnston’s decision to discuss the relationship without their permission, and issued a statement via a spokesperson, saying “We’re disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship.”
The gloves are certainly off now in the war of words between the Johnston’s and the Palin’s. With their “shotgun” wedding plans now defunct, it seems the “one big normal happy family” image Sarah Palin attempted to portray between Levi and Bristol during the presidential election is all but a distant myth and a faded memory. WATCH:
Ok these are just kids and they deserve a break. It is the parents who deserve a public stoning. The kids made a mistake like many kids all across America. The saddest mistake was watching Sarah Palin try to cover the truth and make it something it wasn't to save her political ambitions. When she let the boyfriend move into the house the writing was on the wall and nature took over. These kids didn't really plan to get married and I knew it was only a matter of time before the truth came out. No matter how Sarah wanted to spin it this was merely a young teenaged girl who got pregnant who now must live with the fruits of her actions. It's too bad but this type thing happens every day in America. For the sake of the baby I hope they all do ok.