On Tuesday, former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski finally showed up for his long-awaited congressional hearing. To say that his appearance was the equivalent of the circus coming to town would be an understatement.
Lewandowski did not want to appear before the Democratically-controlled House Judiciary Committee. In fact, Donald Trump told him not to and spent months doing everything within his power to derail the appearance. However, once given the ultimatum to either appear or be held in contempt of Congress, Lewandowski begrudgingly made his way to the Capitol — then commenced to making a mockery of justice.
Lewandowski began the day by announcing to the media that he had zero interest in answering their questions and reminded them that even if he did, he was under no obligation to tell them the truth.
Then the congressional hearing began.
Lewandowski spent the day dressing down Democrats with sarcasm, personal insults, and a reminder that he had no respect for congressional procedure or their authority. That was made crystal clear when he immediately refused to answer nearly every question presented to him — all at the behest of his svengali, Donald Trump.
“Mr. Lewandowski’s conversations with the President and with senior advisers to the President are protected from disclosure by long-settled principles protecting Executive Branch confidentiality interests,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a letter. “As a result, the White House has directed Mr. Lewandowski not to provide information about such communications beyond the information provided in the portions of the Report that have already been disclosed to the Committee.”
“Lewandowski still wants to please ‘daddy.'” – Anderson Cooper, CNN
With Trump’s marching orders and Cipollone’s walking papers in hand, Lewandowski put up roadblock after roadblock just to show that he remained faithful and intended to continue to do Trump’s bidding.
For example, at one point when asked to simply read a brief excerpt from the Mueller Report, Lewandowski opted for the smart-alec response.
“As Director Mueller stated when asked to read from the report, and I quote, ‘I’d be happy to have you read it, Congressman,’” he said.
Lewandowski was a truly horrible witness. His demeanor was the stuff of a trial lawyer’s nightmares. He was angry, combative, sarcastic, and more intent on getting off personal insults and pumping up his impending Senate campaign than actually answering questions or getting Congress or the public any closer to truth. When questioned by Republicans, he was an eager beaver, responsive and sharp. When questioned by Democrats, he turned hostile and suddenly seemed unable to hear, read, understand, or respond to even the simplest question.
Apparently, Corey Lewandowski conveniently forgot that Donald Trump once fired him then degraded him in public. Still, that ‘Donald’ beatdown did nothing to deter his allegiance.
In the end, Lewandowski fulfilled his obligation to Congress and remained loyal to his pimp, Donald Trump. However, the question still remains: if Donald Trump is truly innocent of any wrongdoing, then why has he and his flunkies gone to such lengths to stonewall, keep secrets, and refuse to cooperate with even the simplest of requests?
“To say that his appearance was the equivalent of the circus coming to town would be an understatement.”
DJ, my man this morning you are My hero! Your entire post is dead on….point by point by point. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I didn’t watch any of it and I didn’t have to to know that THAT’s exactly how that farce of a hearing was going to play out. Lewandowski made Nadler and Co look like fools. And not to be outdone…Nadler and Co made themselves look like even bigger fools. The highlights are beyond embarrassing.
Why do WE (the American people) keep voting Clowns into office?!
WE have got to do better…or WE are done.
Btw- Speaking of making a fool of himself (veering off-topic for just a moment),,,,
To 2nd a reader over at The Root- “Biden is {becoming} all kinds of problematic.”
SEE: Joe Biden’s story about “CornPop” the Black thug…..smh.
I did not watch it either but from what DJ said it was a mess. And I expected it to be.
The Atlantic:
From the moment Corey Lewandowski filibustered the first question he received from a member of the House Judiciary Committee today, his goals for the afternoon were readily apparent.
Lewandowski, President Donald Trump’s close ally and erstwhile campaign manager, wanted to make a mockery of a congressional hearing; to frustrate and embarrass his Democratic interlocutors; to demonstrate his loyalty to the president; and to boost his likely bid for a Senate seat in New Hampshire.
Within about five minutes, Lewandowski had accomplished his objective: Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler was rolling his eyes and chastising Lewandowski for refusing to answer his questions, Republicans were accusing Nadler of breaking committee rules to hound the witness, and the proceeding had descended into a cacophony of cross talk and gavel-banging.