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Have you ever listened to a Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck radio program and heard a “mad-as-hell” caller ranting on the topic of the day?  Well, it may not have been as it seemed.

Tablet Magazine reports that Premiere Radio Networks, which syndicates both Limbaugh’s and Beck’s shows, hires stealth actors to “recite various scenarios that makes for interesting radio.” Though the website soliciting actors has since been taken down, The Raw Story confirms that Premiere is still hiring plants.

Now Limbaugh swears that he doesn’t pay plants, but that doesn’t mean he’s not just having Premiere pay the actors to call in on his behalf.  Since Rush is famous for carefully cultivating words, one must read his denials closely for what they don’t explicitly say.  Hmmm…


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. IF true(?) THIS would not surprise me at all…smh.The sorry state of talk-radio, is becoming more and evident as more and more people reject the endless CRAP spewed by that media. In short: People are TUNING OUT and TURNING OFF talk-radio. So IF the story is true about Rush, it would NOT suprise me. "Desperate times calls for desperate measures."   The sorry state of cable *news* is just as bad if not worse as TOTAL viewership has been in steady decline the past several years and it seems to be getting worse.Except for occassional "Breaking News" that is ACTUAL *News" cable news is (at best) opinions, non-sensical blather and sensational-driven garbage, 24/7. It's no wonder that the Project For Excellence in Journalism's annual "State of the Media Report" is reporting that cable viewership is now DOWN to approx 3-4% of the American adult population in a nation of over 230 million adults. Pitiful__smh. See: "Cable News Ratings Keep Dropping"…See: Cable News Declines By Double Digits in 2010…  

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