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Liz Cheney Ends Senate Bid

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Liz Cheney Ends Senate Bid
Liz Cheney has announced that she is ending her improbable bid for the U.S. Senate.

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Cheney, who is the ultra conservative daughter of former Vice-President Dick Cheney, was considered a long shot to unseat the 3 term incumbent GOP Senator Mike Enzi from Wyoming.  Cheney is actually from Virginia, but moved to Wyoming only a few months ago with her husband and children to mount her implausible primary challenge to Sen. Enzi.  However, Cheney’s candidacy never really caught on, as voters considered her an ambitious carpetbagger with a selfish agenda.  Enzi was also able to rally the GOP political establishment to diminish Cheney’s primary challenge.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee and Wyoming’s other senator, John Barrasso, publicly proclaimed their support for Enzi, while GOP senators from other states also went to bat for their colleague and friend. Although Cheney’s fundraising was robust, polls showed her trailing by double digits.

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Cheney ended her senatorial aspirations on the heels of mounting personal conflict between her and her family. In an attempt to woo right-wing conservatives for her senate bid, Cheney announced late last year that she staunchly opposed gay marriage, sparking a public feud with her sister, Mary, who is a lesbian and is married to her longtime companion, Heather Poe.

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Liz Cheney with Mary Cheney and wife, Heather Poe

Mary Cheney took to Facebook to counter her sister’s opposition: “‘Liz — this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree, you’re just wrong — and on the wrong side of history.”

However, Heather Poe went further, making it known that Liz Cheney had always supported the lesbian couple and their 2 children, writing “to have her say she doesn’t support our right to marry is offensive.”

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The high-profile dispute between the Cheney sisters came to a head in recent days, prompting Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, to say: “Liz has always believed in the traditional definition of marriage.” The elder Cheney’s also wanted it known that the 2 sisters love each other, despite their difference of opinions.

Apparently, Liz Cheney changed her address from Virginia to Wyoming, then changed her mind about openly supporting her gay sister and her partner, all in the interest of winning a senate seat.  Now, Liz Cheney has lost her bid for the senate and may have lost the love of her own sister.

OK WASSUP! tracks the latest unbiased political news.  
Today’s article: Liz Cheney ends her senate campaign while 
publicly feuding with gay sister.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"Now, Liz Cheney has lost her bid for the senate and may have lost the love of her own sister. "

They're sisters and by all accounts they've been close all of their lives …until this rift anyway.

Liz has hurt her sister. No question about it. But I highly doubt she's lost her sister's love.

However, I do think it very likely she's lost Mary's Trust. And when it comes to family members, especially siblings, that kind of loss can be just as devastating.

Liz Cheney is her father's child…which is to say she's a neoCon without an ounce of conscience or integrity. Like *dad* she's cold-blooded and ruthless. Even the voters of Wyoming know they deserve better than Liz Cheney.

Her candidacy never stood a chance….smh.

Mr. BD

I agree spot on with Truth. Her candidacy never had a chance. Now that she's out maybe she should go work on the relationship with her sister.

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