Comments on: Looking Ahead To 2016? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Thu, 02 May 2013 16:42:17 +0000 Now THIS is the fella right-wingers seem to love and say they will support in 2016.

Hotair: "Are you ready for President Ted Cruz?"

A conservative consultant calls him “the purest of the young conservative senators,” which might as well be Cruz’s campaign slogan given his appeal to the base. […]


By: Truthizz Thu, 02 May 2013 12:11:17 +0000 Re: Rubio, Bush and Christie

More than a few right-wingers are saying that Rubio, Bush and Chrisite are picks of THE MEDIA. And though it pains me to agree with right-wingers on ANY subject-matter, I have to say I'm in total agreement with them on this. These 3 guys are being hyped endlessly by THE MEDIA. Just like they hyped Rudy "a noun, a verb and 911" Giuliani..AND "Dead Fred" Thompson …AND John "Mr. Maverick" McCain..and even Rick *I AIN'T TOO bright* Perry…lol…smh.

By: Truthizz Thu, 02 May 2013 11:43:11 +0000 "If she doesn't want the nomination, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo needs to be groomed to run."

Except for the fact that he's the Governor of NY, I don't know much more about the guy. Guess I'll check Youtube for a few of his speeches…that will at least give me some idea of how well he *Plays* to the audience, in both substance and style.
