Loose Lips Trump Spills Sensitive Secrets
He knows EVERYTHING. He’s the greatest at EVERYTHING — and he wants EVERYBODY to know it. Now, Loose Lips Trump may have gone too far.
If Donald Trump is nothing else, he is certainly braggadocious. That was never more evident than last Sunday when he appeared on Fox News to boast about how much he knows about the world and international intelligence. Yes, good ol’ Loose Lips Trump let it slip that he authorized a US cyberattack on Russian entities during the 2018 midterm election, which sent US intelligence agencies into a conniption fit that the Commander-In-Chief would reveal such a secret operation on national television.
“I would rather not say [admit] that, but you can believe that the whole thing happened, and it happened during MY administration,” Trump bragged to Fox News’ Steve Hilton after he was asked about a report that he personally authorized a cyberattack on Russia during the time of the midterms.
When pressed as to why he didn’t talk about it, Trump said “because they don’t like me to talk, intelligence says, ‘please don’t talk intelligence,’ you know sometimes intelligence is good, and sometimes you look at Comey, and you look at Brennan and you look at Clapper, and I’m supposed to believe that intelligence? I never believe that intelligence.”
Not surprisingly, this is not the first time Loose Lips Trump has exposed sensitive intelligence information to the general public.
In 2017, Donald Trump was entertaining Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak inside the Oval Office (of all places), when he completely went “off-script” and revealed the specifics of a secretive source of information regarding ISIS. Trump effectively provided the Russians with just enough information for them to decipher that Israel was the secret source, effectively putting the nation and its undercover agents at risk.
During an April 29, 2017 phone call, Donald Trump bragged to Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte that the US military had positioned 2 nuclear submarines off the coast of North Korea. For the safety of the men and women in uniform, the locations of nuclear submarines are always kept a closely guarded secret, even from the Navy command itself. In fact, as a matter of national security, only the captains and crew of the submarines know for sure where they’re located. However, Trump ruined that tradition by wanting to strut about how much he knows.
Then, in May of 2017, Donald Trump leaked to the press information the British government secretly shared with him regarding the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. Loose Lips Trump not only revealed the identity of the attacker but a picture of the bomb as well — all before it had been publicly disclosed — effectively jeopardizing the entire investigation.
With so many national security and classified information slipups, friendly nations have begun to withhold information from Donald Trump that they would have previously shared with any other US president. Even certain US intelligence officials have considered providing Trump with only the most basic of info in the interest of protecting its secrecy.
SMH….Po’ fella.
And you know it’s bad when you even have one of Trump’s 2016 campaign aides concede that Trump shoots off his mouth with reckless abandon: ‘The guy’s a f—ing yenta.’ – Sam Nunberg, 6-1-18
H/T: Politico ‘The guy’s a f—ing yenta’: Trump’s loose lips draw fire
Unfortunately for ALL of America (and our allies), this dangerous schmuck is who we’re stuck with in the White House., And if WE (voters) don’t take the 2020 elections seriously, this dangerous schmuck will be re-elected!
This man put the F in fool. If we are heating this now it’s no telling what other things he did we did not heard about yet. He wants to look so important he can’t even keep a secret. Smh