Comments on: Louisiana Transit CEO Wants More White Drivers News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:51:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:35:59 +0000 "CATS is actually 95% African-American," Mirabito said. "And unfortunately our demographics don’t match Baton Rouge. I would love to have a workforce that matches the demographics of Baton Rouge because I think there are some people out there who may not ride CATS buses because they don’t like the color of an operator’s skin."

I held off commenting on this yesterday, hoping other readers would share their thoughts.

Do I see how some folks might feel that Mirabito's comments were "racist" ? Yes.

However, to me his words come across as an Uncomfortable truth that unfortunately was stated very poorly. I base my opinion on the assumption that Mirabito knows his city and *His* (White) people and thus spoke from that cultural perspective.

Which brings me to a question for his critics:

If the majority of CATS drivers in Baton Rouge were White and Mirabito had expressed that the workforce needs to become more diverse to better reflect the racial make-up of that city (Blacks. 54.5% – Whites 39.4%) would his critics consider his comments to be racist?

I'm curious.

Source for Baton Rouge Demographics-
