Current Events
Bill Clinton wore the political pants in his family for the 8 years he was President. But those days are done and former presidential candidate and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants it known SHE’S wearing the political “pantsuits” now!

The only problem here, aside from a visiting American diplomat losing her complete composure on foreign soil, is that the translator had made an error in asking the question on behalf of the student. The student had not asked what former President CLINTON thought regarding the matter — he had asked what President OBAMA (Hillary’s boss) thought about the matter. WOW!
Once the translator realized the error in turning Congolese into English, the question was asked again correctly, while Secretary Clinton put her rather noticeable pent up anger back in check and wiped the international egg off her face. WATCH:
Everytime I watch this videoclip I can't believe my eyes. Hillary is pissed she's not getting her due respect and Bill's stealing her thunder. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Pres. Obama calls her in the Oval office to discuss her attitude caught on tape for the world to see.