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MAGA Intimidation Ahead Of Indictment?

- Trump indictment and violence could come as early as Tuesday

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Officials are seeing red over some Donald Trump-induced MAGA intimidation ahead of an expected indictment.

Top News Today :
For those who’ve been waiting for Trump to finally face the music for myriad crimes and illegalities, it appears that day is near. The big unkept secret is that ‘The Donald’ will be indicted as early as this week for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels as incentive to keep quiet about their affair. However, this is widely expected to be just the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come.

MAGA Intimidation

According to The New York Times, Trump himself took to his Truth Social network to warn his sycophants that an indictment was imminent.


Soon thereafter, Trump’s supporters gathered outside his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Florida in response to him sounding the alarm. As expected, his overt call to arms to “protest” as a means to incite MAGA intimidation did not sit well with officials.

“We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (who is spearheading the Stormy Daniels case) said on Saturday. “Our law enforcement partners will ensure that any specific or credible threats against the office will be fully investigated and that the proper safeguards are in place so all 1,600 of us have a secure work environment.”

MAGA Intimidation

Noting how Trump mobilized his followers to storm the Capitol building days before he was forced out of The White House in 2021, officials have prioritized plans to crush any and all MAGA intimidation before it ever begins.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has publicly bragged that the moment they arrest, handcuff, and lead him to jail (which is standard procedure in an indictment), the image will infuriate his followers and serve as a boon to his political campaign for president. However, Maggie Haberman of The New York Times believes that despite his bravado, Trump is deeply afraid of being arrested and worries other charges will soon follow.

“He’s very anxious about the prospect of being indicted for a couple of reasons,” Haberman said during an appearance on CNN. “Yes, two things can be true at once: he is aware that there are reasons to believe this could help him politically, we have heard a lot about this morning already, but he does not want to face getting arrested, which is what happens when you get indicted.

MAGA Intimidation
Maggie Haberman

“You get fingerprinted, you get brought in, you have to ask for bail,” she elaborated. “None of that is something that he’s excited about. He and his folks, his political folks are preparing for a huge blitz politically to push back on the Manhattan district attorney. You saw that start yesterday, although I don’t think his Truth Social post yesterday calling for protests was part of a grand plan.

“But I think that is separate from what you’re going to see legally. and while I know that his folks are suggesting that this is a weak case, they don’t actually know what the evidence is,” she added. What it is is trivial compared to the other inquiries. that doesn’t mean there won’t be a conviction, and they have to be mindful of that.”

For his part, former VP Mike Pence warned MAGA fanatics to avoid violence when they see Trump arrested.

“The American people have every right to peaceably assemble and let their voice be heard. And I think it’s extremely important the people have a right to express themselves,” Pence said. “But that being said, there can be no tolerance for the kind of violence that we saw on Jan. 6th or throughout the summer of 2020.”

Folks, we’re living in interesting times. So, buckle up and stay tuned…

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Donald Trump incites MAGA intimidation.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Unfortunately, the American news media will disgrace themselves further by hyping all this madness to the max because that industry is owned by super rich and powerful cretins who have the most to gain by keeping Us (We The People) distracted and divided.

Trump is useful idiot and unwitting tool of that small, corrupt and dangerous group.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

Let me also add…

I really don’t think Trump will see the kind of protests he’s hoping for.

But we’ll see.


The Hill:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) sought to tamp down former President Trump’s call for protests in response to a possible arrest of the president in connection to a Manhattan District Attorney investigation.

“I don’t think people should protest this stuff,” McCarthy said in a press conference at the House GOP issues retreat on Sunday when asked about Trump’s statement.

McCarthy suggested that Trump was calling for others to “educate people about what’s going on.”

“He’s not talking in a harmful way,” McCarthy said. “Nobody should harm one another … And this is why you should really make law equal because if that was the case, nothing would happen.”

“If was this to happen, we want calmness out there,” McCarthy said, calling for no “violence or harm.”


McCarthy is full of it. And so is Mike Pence and all of those other Republican cowards.



Donald Trump supporters have vowed to surround Mar-A-Lago and protect him from being arrested.

Fans of the former president discussed ways they could prevent his arrest in a thread entitled “Trump to be arrested on Tuesday. Our government is lost” on the website.

One user suggested that they “surround Mar-A-Lago or wherever he currently is and prevent ‘law enforcement’ from entering.”

“Nation Wide Strike. ALL PATRIOTS stop what you are doing and bring Society to a Halt,” wrote another supporter.

Another said: “We need to organize and take over wherever they try to hold him. make them surrender.”


Those Mega fools would try to do this too. But Andy Bragg and his team are not playing with them this time around. Things could get crazy this week. We have to just wait and see.


Uh-huh. They’re going to “bring Society to a Halt” alright, with their “Nation wide strike.”

Smh…! At this point most of them don’t even belief their own bullsh*t.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

I heard about this on the weekend and I will not believe it until I see it. They have been saying they were going to do something then never did for a long time. I want to see what they do and how they handle the whole thing.


I will say if they lead Trump out in handcuffs on tv I am going to run down State Street in the cold screaming joy.


Lol..BD will you stop!

They’re not going to lead that fool out in handcuffs.

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