Forget about Donald Trump’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN mantra. Republicans and the richest of the rich are secretly conspiring to Make America DUMB again!
Politics :
Once upon a time, the founding fathers of America decided they wanted to create a nation centered around certain freedoms. They believed in 3 equal branches of government with safeguards in place for each branch to police the other. They believed in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and in giving Americans the freedom to make individual choices for themselves.
However, there is a contingency of primarily wealthy, White, right-wing/Republican men who want to change all of that. More specifically, they want to turn back the clocks, remake all the old rules, and make America ‘dumb’ again (MADA) — as in, near-prehistoric.
Forget about freedom of the press. The MADA movement would model modern news after propaganda programs similar to Russia and North Korea. This means that all news would be very much like Fox News: not necessarily trustworthy, but whatever the leader wants everyone to believe is true.
Forget about elections and Americans voting for their leaders. MADA would put leaders in place and leave them there — effectively making all decisions for all Americans without them ever having a legitimate say.
Forget about public education for all, gay marriage and gay rights, as well as unions and employee empowerment. MADA would take care of it all.
One of the reasons Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement is so powerfully cult-like is because its members have surrendered all logic and individual thinking to one man. Well, the Make America Dumb Again movement wants to do the same times ten!
Interestingly, the entire plan begins with Trump’s MAGA movement.
According to USA Today, if Donald Trump is reelected in 2024, the goal is to immediately eliminate all executive branch constraints on the man who is declared president (Trump). Additionally, he would only leave office upon death and not because voters or term limits decided to replace him. Next would come the launch of independent leadership in administrative agencies, an independent civil service, and turning the US Justice Department into a modern-day “Gestapo” designed to do the bidding and will of the president.
Loyalty to the constitution would instead become loyalty to the “leader” (president). Eventually, as Trump boldly suggested recently on his Truth Social network, all roads would lead to the termination of the US Constitution.
If the “leader” decided that gays shouldn’t marry, then gay marriage would become a remnant of the past. No voting or opinions from the citizens on any topic would be necessary. If the leader wanted to dismantle unions and prevent strikes such as the one the Screen Actors Guild is currently staging against the mega-rich impresarios of television and film studios, then all employees would make the salary they are given — no questions asked.
“Republican politicians and the right-wing billionaires who fund them want a nation of uneducated, compliant serfs in their workforce — not a nation of well-educated, union-conscious people who are willing to strike to get better pay and benefits,” said Thom Hartmann of Raw Story. “Job One is to get America’s kids out of the clutches of those evil unionized teachers. Education, after all, is a liberal value,” he added.
Surprisingly, the wheels are already in motion.
In Arkansas, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed legislation gutting the state’s prohibition on child labor. Now, 14-year-olds from poor families are allowed to skip school, skip getting an education for self-improvement, and go straight to work at their local slaughterhouse.
In June, Oklahoma approved the use of public-school taxpayer funds to pay for kids to attend private Catholic charter schools. The idea is to use public funds to educate the rich and elite, as well as end America’s founding principle of the separation of church and state.
In Florida and Texas, officials have approved animated cartoons produced by a hate radio talk show host that reinvents Frederick Douglass as an opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Stop the protests. End the unions. Limit education to the rich and wealthy. Create a press that only tells Americans what has been decided they hear. Put an end to gay rights, gender-fluidness, interracial relationships, and other “perversions.” Cease all hand-out programs that help the poor with food, medical care, etc. Throw away the US Constitution as “old” and “antiquated.” And give dictator-like power to one man, who remains in power for as long as he lives and only answers to the rich, right-wing billionaires who put him there.
THIS is the plan the Make America Dumb Again movement really wants to achieve. Take back control of the country from poor and minority lowlifes of all races who hold the power to vote — and place all decisions in the hands of the wealthy elite.
Former President Barack Obama warned us all that democracy is “fragile” and that “things could fall apart quickly” in our country when a divided population falls prey to those offering “simple answers.”
It’s time to pay attention to his words.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Make America Dumb Again is the real plan.
DJ’s post is on point. I don’t disagree with any of it. But I don’t think he went far enough in pointing out just Who made it possible for rich White men in America, with Evil intentions, to gain the power they have?
We did. We The People.
And if this country falls completely into the hands of Evil men it will be because of Us. Either WE want democracy or WE don’t. 2024 will tell the story.
This sounds about right. If we let Trump get back in there he is never leaving. But that is the plan. Repubs cannot keep winning elections the fair way. This is the only way they can survive.